First time grower needs advice...heres my 4 babies..i think im about 4 weeks mabey to harvest but not sure.HELP???

What do you need advice about? How long you have left? To answers that we're going to need clearer closer pictures. From what I CAN see (not much)...yeah minimum four weeks.
You really want to wait until all/most of the white hairs have browned and receded. There's a. Really good write up from someone on this site about ripeness. Maybe someone can paste it here.
What u it's ok to pull em later? I thought they would be less potent if I harvested too late?
What he’s saying is the chances that you acually leave them too long is very slim most people even experienced growers cut way too soon by a couple of weeks and you realize after all is said and done so to be safe you should push them as far as they will go there also degrading naturally at the end of theee life cycle so don’t worry too much the best way is to look at the trics through a scope to see where you are