First Time Grower Needs Advice


Ok i got 4 seeds from a seed bank and 3 of them sprouted and I have them in the same pot. I have 4 other plants in there own individual cups and those are just bag seeds. These are 2 weeks since put in the soil.
so whats the problem? sounds like you are on the right track as long as you have your nutes, lighting and other essentials done and ready to go. Happy harvest!!


Just looking for some advice. Should I plant these into theire own pots. And the nutes i have the mix is 10-10-10 is that to week?


Well-Known Member
Give them only 12 hours of light only, and find out which ones are the females...and discard the males. Then take the females and plant them in a much bigger pot(1 pot each plant). Then give them 24 hours of light and watch'em grow. The Faq's will help you through the rest :)


Active Member
The roots will tangle and tie themselves off and die if they stay in the same pot...think sbout how big they are gonna be when finished and ad 1 gallon per foot ie 5 ft plant at at harvest = 5 gallon bucket, if ypi gpt good enough soil you dont need nutes for aboout 1 month or so, be careful adding nutes this early only do so in fractions of what it says to introduce the nutes to the plants, see how they handle them, looks good so far, on the right track, heres my first grow, blueberry x northern lights clone week 4