First time grower needz lotz of help.

These are the three I have left. Five weekz in the other ten died overnight. Jis wilted. :-( . These have white spots thatz yellow close to the green part. Two in a greenhouse in potz in full sun all day and the otheis by thee woodz in the ground. I feed them and water them the same, but the one in the woodz iz jis curling on a couple of leavez. ??KAN. ANIONE HELP ME?? I use miracle grow all purpose one feeding then plain water for a week, then super bloom booster veri thin then water for another week with plain water.? Kan. You tell if they are male or female? ?


Irie Genetics

Active Member
It's a little bit too early to identify males or females. They are overfertilized. Stop feeding them miracle grow. It will make them taste like poop! Also, keep a close eye on them because bag seed is often hermaphoraditic and will pollentate itself and the entire crop if not maintained. Outdoors is fun! Good luck!


Active Member
There is your problem, the miracle grow. Have you checked the ph? and you have to consider bugs as well since they are outside. No, I cannot tell if they are female or male, solely on the fact that the pictures are blurry and they are still kind of young. Give it a week or two to find out but if they are that stressed, you have the possibility of hermaphrodites.


Active Member
never ever ever ever use miracle grow! It's miracle shit for growing pot lol. second I would go out and find good proper soil to grow in get some perlite and add it to the soil mix to help air it out and so its not so compact the more compact the soil is the harder for the roots to grow. those white spots can be a number of things it can be mold or light bleach now to me it seems like light bleach from the sun if they are too hot with direct sunlight thats what you get! so if you have it in your greenhouse it may be a great idea to add a fan or two to it and allow for some fresh air in there! remember hot air rises! as for not using miracle grow go to your nearest hydro store and ask for some help they will be happy to! also they will show you what you need cuz they are salesmen and they dont care what you do with it.
oh yea one more great tip! if you're growing pot its prob best if you dont post pics of yourself but if you feel your boss enough to get away with it then by all means!


Active Member
The posts above are pretty accurate.
lay off the MG........invest in some quality ferts. PH is critical, get a meter, or an aquarium test kit at petsmart to get started with.
Hit the begginers section and read, read, read..............
peace B


Active Member
i would highly recommend editing ur post and pulling those extra pictures...never a good idea to give an identity even if you are legal
Idk how to remove the pikchaz. I TRYED. I repotted one today. The other one in the greenhouse iz wilted so bad but I reported it too. I know it'z. Not bugz cauze the one in the woodz iz not turning or wilting. I put big fuckz at the bottoms of the potz for better drainage. I watered them with filtered water instead of jis tap. ?? Should I keep the feeding regiment with the bloom booster jis change the MG for a better fert, or jis use the other fert and nothing else????