First Time grower quick question


Active Member
i have well water at home and i was wondering if that would be okay to feed my plant with or if i should stick with distilled


Well-Known Member
I personally go with distilled water ( I have well water also), but if your well water isn't too bad (mine is really hard and has a very high ppm to start), then you can use it if you leave it out overnight to let any chlorine evaporate out of it.


Well-Known Member
when we had someone come out and test ours, it was over 1000 ppm (i don't know much about it, but i know that is really high).we've also got a lot of iron in our water.... turns everything orange within a couple weeks, even with adding shit to lower the iron levels. the ph wasn't too bad though, i think it was around 7. I'm using a hydro system though, so I don't want to be adding anything into the rez, and not know it. so thats why I stick with the distilled.


Active Member
well the reason i was asking as i have been helping my grandma lately for money and i have been using her for supplies (she runs a flower store and sells mass flowers) and she uses a mixture of well water (that has sat out) and a some nutes for her seedlings. i can take a ph reading next time i go over and "help" her out
i <3 my grandma :-P


Well-Known Member
You can get an RO filter and probably be fine.

Letting well water sit out? don't see much of a reason. Let the radon flash off?

Water softeners add salt to the water.

Distilled might be best, but could get pricey in the long run.

The RO is probably the best route. Will help with your health too! use that water for all food related stuff (even dishwasher)

Active Member
my well has great water ph right at 6.9-7.1 was tested last year and the calcium is high for everything including plants. guess I could go to my old job and get some di water that stuff is clean. would need to test ph. mix 50/50 with well water. I used that water to clean the hard water build up on the shower head. cleaned it up good.