First time grower, Seed Question (noob)


Active Member
Hello all,

I have been lurking the forums for a while now gathering intel. I put together a very nice grow box. My grow box is 4ft tall, 30" wide, 2ft deep. One item I am unclear on is the seeds. I have ordered "Hindu Kush" from Nirvana and Hopefully one of them will come soon so I can get this going. I ordered from two locations in case one gets pinched in the process at customs.

In the future I only want to have to rely on ordering them only if I want to get a different strain. I want to produce a nice pile of seeds for my personal future use. From what I read its pretty obvious.. put a male and a female next to each other and shizzamo! you got seeds.

On my first grow I plan to keep 1 male and 2 females. Will the females still be potent and have nice buds? I know the batch will be a seedy one. What are the down sides? From what I gather everything is the same except you will just have seeds in the buds. Also, I hear a male plant is still ok for making hash and for smoking (not great but effective) if you get in a pinch.

Just wanted to get your opinions on it since from what ive seen you guys (and gals) know your stuff. I have done a lot of searching so im not being lazy. I am sure this has been answered before on the forum and I may not have dug deep enough.

Thanks in advance.


Well-Known Member
the girls will still have some decent buds, though definitely not up to their full potential. maybe you could make a couple clones before the chicks get pollinated and then put em in the room after you've killed the male and get some good sensimilla along with your seeded bud. and i've never kept a male long enough to make hash with, so sorry i couldn't help more :)


Active Member
That is a good idea. The ultimate goal is to get some seeds and im not sure the best way to go about it. I do plan on trying a very basic clone for 5 clipping's using gel and soil.

I was reading a thread in another category involving scraping the pollen off a male and applying it to just one female. So if I am feeling crafty maybe I will try that so the second female is pure bud. It looked fairly easy, I guess the trick is to catch it in time so you can control it.

Whenever the seeds roll in the mail I will start a Journal so you guys can see my setup and photos. I get the hint photo's are king around here. I don't feel right posting photos of an empty box without the green. :weed:

Thank you for the reply. All info is much appreciated.


Well-Known Member
If you have your male way far away, you can do like you said and collect pollen and manually impregnate some individual branches and only those branches. Get the pollen in a ziploc bag, use a tiny paint brush to brush pollen right onto the hairs of a branch and then cover that branch with another ziploc bag and tie closed.