First time grower- small plants flowering too soon?

Hi everyone!!! I started reading in your forums last night and when i looked up 7 hours had gone by, thanks for all the really good info, i was just wondering if anyone has heard of bonzai technique and has some experience doin so, i had gotten a mag and seen it done and thought hell if i kill them oh well, but now i love them and want to see them form into mice looking plants, ok....heres what i saw and did.when they first came up i trimed the two starter leaves clean down to the teardrop shaped ones and repeated this teqnuiqe four times every time a new set woul come up id wack them now as i have had them in the window sill and not under lights:( the cycle must have changed or something cause right away i saw the hatefull "bannanas" on one of the taller ones and red and white and orange hairs on the other two, now keep in mind that these plants are only 3-1/2 inches at most, ive been fascinated with them for a week now, i set up a small makeshift light box with tinfoil and a saltwater light and they seem to be thriveing on it , at least to say that they have stopped drooping and turning yellow ( i think i was overwatering them) but also i want to mention that all three were started in the same planter, a big one ,now when i look real close up at them they have these like idk, pods? growining weirdly and alot of hairs and fuzz..... i would appreciate any and all feed back and if i feel i can safely upload photos without incriminating myself i will after a while....thanks in advance


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't worry too much about cops commin and finding you. Unless you're boasting about selling or something. They B having bigger fish to frizzle.:-)
right well that really doesnt help me but i will keep it in mind , thanx for taking the time to read my post as it is my first one. and thanx for replying :) Have a great day!


Well-Known Member
Welcome to RIU :)

Pictures would help what you're trying to explain, but I think you are referring to the female calyx?

Yes that is it exactly , good or bad? sorry for being such a noob,lol, first time. Are those good or bad and do you have any more charts that will further my knowledge in names and parts of the plant? And any advise as to what i should do with them ? Is it to late to try and get them bigger? If i want to promote fullness or density of the actual bud what should i purchase? Name brands would be greatly app. Also when i look real close i can see like a white fuzz?? coming from within the calax, is this normal and one more quick question, is there any way to clone this small of a plant? Thank you all so much for helping me and other people further educate ourselves, cheers


Well-Known Member
Yes that is all normal for a healthy, flowering female. Remember, female plants are the only ones that can produce both buds and seeds. Male's are only useful if you're collecting their pollen for breeding purposes.

All your chopping of the plant in the beginning was not a great idea, so for future grows you might want to read up on Topping and/or FIM if you feel the need to cut off some of your plant :) All those threads can be found here:

No offense, but cloning is harder than growing a pot plant from start to finish, so if that's a bit too tough I wouldn't even be thinking of cloning yet. You should read the nutrient section to figure out what nutrients you want to use. Your plant is already in flower so you should choose a fertilizer with higher Phosphorus than nitrogen or potassium (like 2-3-1 for example (NPK value)).
first and formost i would like to thank each and every member on riu, you guys are amazing and i have learned a fortune in knowledge so again thank you. I still have the "baby plants" and they are really impressing me so i went out and baught a 150 watt cfl with hood , i think the brand is hydrofarm and i then placed this in a closet and purchased a timer and put them in 12/12 and the growth rate is amazing , i have since obtained mt medical card and purchased a few clones , i vegged them for two weeks and they reached about 12 inches and i put them in the 12/12 cycle as well, my question is if i should add more lighting while flowering and if so would more cfls be sufficient. This is my fisrt grow and this site has been a priceless asset to me, once again thank each and every member, i will be posting pics as soon as i can get my closet reorganized so it dont look so getto, one last question , should i go out and buy one of those tents or should i invest in better lighting first . Im using Jacks Natural blooming nutes 10-30-20 diluted of course and i am misting daily with just water, any and all suggestions will be read and re-read, thanks in advance and merry smoking to all!! DANGEROUS420