First time grower with LED. Please help. (northern light auto/closet grow)


Hello all, i have recently been looking into growing a single plant with an LED setup, im in the midst of choosing a light now.

i was planning on this

i am novice grower at best, and have grown single plants with CFL before, but i would just to increase my yield a bit and was wanting some input on whether this light will be suitable for what i need.

planned set-up
1x NL Auto
1x 90wUFO
typical 2sq ft closet
I know this setup is not the typical one seen on this site, but this is all my circumstance allows me to grow.

like i said i have CFL that i have used on other grows to accompany the UFO if need be, but was hoping to get an LED that could handle growing 1 plant just fine on its own.

Any input or advice is greatly appreciated.


Thank you!

I actually already posted a similar question there, No one responded so i thought i'd put it where everyone could see lol.

Thanks for the advice though and pointing me in the right direction, much appreciated.

Bumping Spheda

Well-Known Member
Np! Glad I could help.

Btw, you know what you can do to help us out? Keep a grow journal with your new UFO once you get it! I'm sure there are others like you who would love to see what a 90W, 5-band UFO can do. ;-) I, myself, can't recall seeing a grow with this specific UFO. I actually quite like the spectrum the designer chose, although mayyybe I'd have traded out a few of the Blues for more Whites, but other than that it should perform pretty well for $100!

GL, HF, and stay safe.


Well-Known Member
If you can afford it maybe get two of them? I am yet to finish my first grow but you could check out my little LED setup, the light looks OK. I like the 3 fans on top but the case is so small, not a lot of room for the LED driver circuits. I think if you keep the heat down with proper ventilation a light like this should last a while.

There is no mention of beam focusing or they used beam angle specific LED's, I think if you look at some other lights this is the main design point now or some people are going down that path and from what I have seen if you can get more of the light uniformly on the plant you don't need as much wattage. But I am still new and doing my own tests, but good luck with this if its what you stick with, if you plan on expanding the size or setup I wouldn't waste the money on it but if you just want do small single or double plant grows I think it would work out alright and you can always try new things with out huge investment.