First time grower: Your plant can take abuse.


Well-Known Member
I'm gonna get some pics up soon of my new grow. the last one i had which you can look for within this forum that i finished lasted me over a year. i only smoke for recreation, only at night and only once a day. so O's off one plant was more than enough to keep me going.

regardless i thought i killed this plant twice now. First time was when i transplanted i tout of the red party cup. the entire root ball fell apart. i shoudl have let the root ball get more established before moving and also i didn't wet the soil when i got it out. When i transplanted it into a 6" pot the tree had the meanest lean i've ever seen i'm like welp. that's all she wrote. WRONG within a day that plant was loving its new home and grew even faster than it did in the cup.

Then i transplanted it again about 4 weeks later into its final 2 gallon pot. i thought this time for sure i had killed it. the soil and root ball had become so compact that i literally was pulling at the base of the stem to get it out. not hard but sorta tugging. i had to get my hands into the side of the pot and literally scoop this bad girl out. i heard the roots ripping. hell i even saw the white root system that forms at the base of the stem coming up. they were all showing. but the one thing that was different this time around was MOST of the base stem structure was still together. i put the plant into the 2 gallon pot and this thing was falling over on itself. drooping just plain looked like it was waiting for me to put it out of its misery. dead right? WRONG

within a day.. actually literally that same day. but mostly within a day this thing was loving its new home even more than the last and shot up almost a whole inch into the following day. My mind is blown here. You REALLY, REALLY gotta screw up bad when you kill one of these plants. because they are fighters.


I can agree to this. I've literally must of almost killed a few plants. Just replant them, and give them time. Time is key man.


Active Member
sure a plant can take all kinds of abuse now lets compare end quality from a plant that has had the shit kicked out of it to a properly grown plant every action has an equal and opposite reaction personly if i had a plant that almost died id just start over with the potentual for low yeild and lessened potentcy .i could see going through the effort if you are on your last seed but the potentual for disaster is to great for me. intresting read none the less


Well-Known Member
sure a plant can take all kinds of abuse now lets compare end quality from a plant that has had the shit kicked out of it to a properly grown plant every action has an equal and opposite reaction personly if i had a plant that almost died id just start over with the potentual for low yeild and lessened potentcy .i could see going through the effort if you are on your last seed but the potentual for disaster is to great for me. intresting read none the less
wait until you see a picture of this beauty. she's about 10 inches tall after only a 5 weeks of growing. not a single leaf yellowed and perky as ever. i garuntee you she will yeild even more than my last grows which were flawless without any transplanting issues.

in fact right now i'm more worried that she may be growing to fast and to high for me to compensate for this new vigorous growth she's showing since 12/12 i estimate her being about 3 feet tall.

i'm growing blue mystic. so i'm also dealing with good genetics.


Well-Known Member
you can kick the shit out of them all you want in ve as long as they got food and water they recover. in flower you might be a little more carful


Well-Known Member
you can kick the shit out of them all you want in ve as long as they got food and water they recover. in flower you might be a little more carful
she's in her final pot so no more transplanting i've been able to get good yields from my 2 gallon pot. usually about 2 or 3 ounces. which as i said at the beginning of the thread. i don't smoke much but when i do i like to smoke the good stuff :D

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