First time grower


Active Member
Well my plants have been growing outside for about 5 days, they are doing well and i was wondering whats the earliest i can start giving my plants some nutes. Since its my first time grow i don't want it to be that tall and i was also wondering is, whats probably the recommended veg growth time for a small sized plant but a decent yield?

Space Angel

Well-Known Member
Well my plants have been growing outside for about 5 days, they are doing well and i was wondering whats the earliest i can start giving my plants some nutes. Since its my first time grow i don't want it to be that tall and i was also wondering is, whats probably the recommended veg growth time for a small sized plant but a decent yield?
How big are they now? if you don't want too tall, you can top them to bush out instead of up!


Active Member
yeah its growing outdoors i don't want it to grown to tall so i might do the trash bag idea to grow bud earlier