First time grower

i have a few plants going now and they have all been off to a great start. I started only one to begin with in a styrofoam cup and i've been kind of experimenting with it. It's growing pretty good but it was damaged a little a few days ago. it had part of one of the middle fan leaves get cut at the tip. i was just curious if this will have any effect on it's gender later on and the leaves on top are curling slightly up and the ones towards the bottom are curling slightly down. This is my first grow so i welcome any advice to fix this or improve my vegetative growth. Anything that anyone thinks i should know feel free to comment. PEACE:bigjoint:


Active Member
Hey I am a first time grower as well, my first seeds have not yet broken the surface of the medium I put them in, but I'm hoping for results soon. As for your problem I have read a lot of stuff on this forum and I think I know the answer.

I didn't get the exact time your plants have been growing for but if they're in the vegetative state you're probably 4-6 weeks in if I'm not mistaken.

A small cut from one of the leaves should not change the sex of the plant. Some things that can change the sex of the plant are soil pH levels or random genetics. Males will grow in higher level pH soil then females, the females prefer a soil pH between 5 - 7 or neutral. Males can handle a higher pH level then females.

Watch your plants closely while you are moving into the flowering state your females will shot out small pistils from in between the stem to branch connections. The males will produce small sacks in between the stem to branch connections. If you see those remove your male plants from the area of your female plants. The sacks open within a matter of days to pollinate the females.

Hope my jabber helps and happy growing!

Also here's a thread link to the most common problems for plants:
thanks, i think im going to check the ph and back the lights off a little and see if that fixes the curling leaves. and for your seeds coming up, just a suggestion, i had better luck leaving them close to a heater. Heat and moisture seem to play a big role in the beggining. So if they don't start coming up soon that might be it. So far i've had about a 95% succes rate with my seeds so i've been pretty lucky so far. good luck to you.


ya i would say if you have a grow shop near you house just go up there and talk to the peep. i got one in the next city over and they have given me so much help but they are trying to make money so get some info from them and look stuff up in the diy spot and you should be good to go. i am first time as well spent like 500 USD and just look in my photos.