First time grower


Got my first plant going here. I dont actually know what strain it is, but the seed came from a lemon haze bag,

Plants showing its first signs of flowering and just recently switched to the 12/12 cycle

Growing under a 125 watt CFL. - going to replace with the same spec bulb in red

I know its pretty much impossible at this stage but any guess what strain this plant is?

and in general hows it looking!?




Well-Known Member
Looks real Indica-ish to me... Based on those nice-lookin' wide, "maple leaves".... No idea at what exact strain tho... Looks like you r doin' aight man... I wish I had enough money to buy every beginner I see a nicer set up tho! I guess it takes time... I slowly built up a buncha badass HID lights in my collection when I started doing electrical work over 15 years ago, and one day still during my apprenticeship, I said fuck it, and was like BAM! I had me a 2,000W mixed MH/HPS walk-in closet in about thirty minutes, and I haven't looked back, only refined my methods and gotten MUCH better since those early daze... Stick with it man...


Well-Known Member
I do reckon u should... I like the 5-gallon bucket method, because of the good size, and ease of moving around, if need be, and not too heavy to lift to check to see if watering is necessary, and etc, etc, etc... Just don't forget to drill u a buncha holes in the bottom for drainage...
Looks great man, I'm also a first time grower and have a couple questions. I've had my ww seeds, 3 of them, germinating in a humidity chamber on top of a heat mat. Decent conditions right?? And it's been just shy of two weeks and nothing yet, are they bad seeds or am I doing something wrong. The temperature inside the grow room is around 70F. I haven't tampered with the seed or medium at all. Any tips would be greatly appreciated.. Thanks


Well-Known Member
Ive heard more problems with using hum domes and the like, vs. just going with the old wet paper towel method, and I never use hum domes for my seedlings or clones, and have astounding results in a perlite, and peat-moss or coco-coir heavy medium that is very weak, nute-wise... As they get larger, and just begin to yellow due to the lack of N avail, I begin a weak feeding regimin, and slowly move up to stronger teas, and whatnot... As a long-time grower, I would recommend sometimes just going with the older, time-tested, and usually easier methods of doing things in general... Try that and u may find your taproots coming out in a few days compared to two weeks, and yes, it sounds like they MAY not be viable... but, I'd take em out and do what I suggested and see what might yet pop up if I were u...


i just put them in wet toilet paper and left them in a dark room, normal room temperature and presto. within 3 - 4 days they were ready
I'll try that method tomorrow. I bought ten ww seeds from Dutch Passion and they also included 20 free seeds. Thanks for your advise and I'll keep everyone posted:leaf::leaf::leaf:


Well-Known Member
topboy said it man... thatz really all ya need to do... I just put em in a moist paper towel on a plate, and fold the towel over the seeds, and let em germ and as topboy said, in about three or four daze, u will have seedlings ready to be put into your medium of choice...


yeh after a thorough checking of the plant for pests i always smell my finger tips and get a really pungent lemony aroma!