First time grower

kakashi 22667

New Member
Hello Everybody.

I am a first time grower, i currently live in South Africa, I obtained some bagseeds.
They are swazi. i took about 6 seeds the dark tanned ones.
I placed them between two moist tissues and placed them in a saucer, and one above them.
during the night i keep them on top of my computer, they are warm around 20.8-21.2 i tested with a digital
thermometer. During the day in my window with the sun warming the saucers.
its been three days since i started to germinate them. Still nothing has happend?
i have about 13 Seeds left any advice?


Darth Dank

wait longer leave the seeds wraped in wet paper towle in a dark cool place for about a week. they will get bigger and pop open. plant them in dirt. make a 1/2 inch deep hole with finger put seed in cover with dirt. water and keep moist but dont over water.
Iv'e had great luck with taking a shot glass full of water, drop the seed in, cover with a cup and place a bathroom light next to it for warmth, 24 hours later take the seeds out and place in wet paper towels, 24-48 hours later ive always seen taproots no matter the strain, except Blue Mystic but i think those were just bunk seeds to begin with.


Well-Known Member
I have no idea about using heat, I guess if you germinate Ina cold environment it might be needed. I dampen a paper towel, fold seeds within, lay it on a plate, cover with a plastic bowl, and place it in the top on my closet. Temps in my house are between 66 F. and 80f. max. Most seeds pop within 2 to 3 days, typically 100%.


Well-Known Member
Germinate in a cool, dark environment not bright sunlight...find a cupboard or closet for storage...g/l

kakashi 22667

New Member
Iv'e had great luck with taking a shot glass full of water, drop the seed in, cover with a cup and place a bathroom light next to it for warmth, 24 hours later take the seeds out and place in wet paper towels, 24-48 hours later ive always seen taproots no matter the strain, except Blue Mystic but i think those were just bunk seeds to begin with.
i placed 6 seeds in water they all sank, i am going to put in the paper towel, and see if i get better results.
Thank you very much.

kakashi 22667

New Member
yes very great news...i transplantet them to soil now we wait, for the leafs to break surface...Thanks alot for you guy's help:peace:
From which Country's are you guys?