Saturday morning, the small stems were snapping on all of the plants when testing them. The thicker sections were still more bendy but I decided to get them finished. They hung up for 6 days total before being pulled and cut apart more.
I did one variety at a time. I cut all of the branches off each main stem and then cut the top section of bud off the stem as well so they were all basically single sticks that I could work through.
Blue Cheese was first as that one seemed to be the driest out of the batch. I think because it had less leaves on it. I trimmed off any remaining fan leaf and a few big sugar leaves here and there.
The Blue Haze and Blue Dream I did the same except I only removed large fan leaves. The Blue Dream probably could have used another day or two drying. Something for next time.
The clones I trimmed all together rather than having them in with the main batch of bud. They are just going to be a mix of
I ran each of them through a trimbag to do a rough cleanup of leaves on the buds before jarring them up. I did not sort out any light/wispy buds so they are just all together in jars. I'm going to eventually sort out the light stuff and try smoking it to see how it compares potency wise. Then I will use it in a batch of butter or something.
My tender and I tried the different buds over the weekend (and Monday) to see what we thought of their affects. I'll jot down our thoughts on them but keep in mind I haven't smoked anything for more than 15 years at this point and she has never smoked. Also, my sense of smell is generally pretty shit at picking out much of anything.
Order of trying: We picked out a small random bud and whatever tiny bits broke off while trimming.
Blue Cheese:
Smelt sweet when opening the jar. It had a somewhat more complex scent to it. I don't know that I would call it cheese, but it had some sweet floral hints. I felt it taking affect after two small hits on a bowl. It was mostly a light headed high for the first 30 minutes or so. We smoked most of a small bowl together and I started feeling more body high and some couch lock. It wasn't overpowering, but my tender ended up taking a 2 hour nap.
Blue Haze:
This one was sweet with a hint blueberry while opening the jar. Though it also had a hint of a green/chlorophyll smell to it as well. This one hit about the same potency for me but the high was very different. It was almost all in my head with just a hint of lightness in my body. It started out pretty clear but I started to lose focus and feel mentally foggy when I smoked some more after an hour or two. I think this will be a good one for taking a small dose before doing something.
Blue Dream:
This one smelled sweet with a bit more green/chlorophyll smell to it. This strain had the most still green leaves on it so my guess is it just hadn't finished pulling out everything from the leaves yet. The potency was much higher on this one. It hit my head and then right into a mellow body feeling. I didn't feel couch locked but was very relaxed. My tender also took a nap after this one.
Total yields will get measured a bit later when I pull all the jars to burp and check RH. I'll take some photos of the dried buds. At some point I'll do a postmortem.
Here are a few photos from Saturday.