first time growing and now germinating need suggestions

Okay, so I have 31 seeds and I'm "germinating" 14. I put all 14 in a wet white paper towel and put it all in a glass jar with a top. I'm on day 2 and all 14 of them have sprouted white stems but I don't think the stems are long enough to plant yet. So I'm assuming that I should wait a few more days until the stems get longer and then plant them. What I need to know though is if I should keep watering the seeds once a day or just wait for the stems to get longer and proceed with planting them. This is my first time ever attempting to grow green so I'm open to suggestions.


well depending on how much water u used in the begining. i mean i just wet a paper towel and then put then in the tuperware box with another wet paper towel on top but u want it to stay moist but becareful of to much water u can cause mold. but what are u planting them into? and if ur planting them into dirt just plant them as soon as they split the seed shell. some seeds depending on where there from wont even break, so u can weed out which ones to plant. but other then that you should try out some pucks they work rly well or if u can get rock wool cubes there great for starting out new plants.
yeah and dont be like me, i planted like 7 seeds they werent deep enough and just rotted in the soil. Its better to bury them deeper than too shallow
Okay well I did not at all believe that this was gonna work so honestly I'm not at all prepared and I won't be until sometime next week. Are my seeds gonna still be good to plant a week from now I guess is the real question?
you may be able to get away with letting them germinate a couple more days. then plant them. they dont need light while their underground so as long as you have soil you should be good. they wont sprout for like 2-4 days. but as soon as they sprout you will need lights. you dont need lights until 4-7 after planting so... yeah


Yeah do u have dirt and no lights or what's the deal, why won't u be ready? If you got dirt put it in now, if you don't have lights you should be fine. But if you won't have dirt or w/e ur using for a week just keep them moist.... not wet, and keep them in the dark. You should be fine. Kep us updated and don't forget pics when they start a growing : )