First time growing. How's it look? Any advice?


Well-Known Member
Nice work man maybe cut off some of them lower leaves cause waist of energy but apart keep it up:clap:


Thanks. I read everywhere about all these needed nutrients/lights/soil.. I've just been using a standard grow light attached to a shower curtain pole, and stuck between my bathroom walls. I raise it as needed. Soil is just basic miracle grow. Tap water, and no special food.

I'm most definitely a nooby, as you can tell lol. It's been flowering (like in the 2nd pic) for a good month now. It's been growing for about 4-5 months total. When can I expect bud to start forming?

edit - Oh, and I have the light slightly angled towards the mirror. I put it next to the mirror I figured the light would bounce and maybe reach more of the plant? idk lol. Also, the main stem is weak or something, the plant is kinda of leaning on the mirror a bit to keep it up. =/


Well-Known Member
don't cut off any leaves. not going to help the plant whatsoever

looking healthy, keep it up. if you can get more light on her she will appreciate it


What light do you recommend? As stated, im completely clueless as to what im doing, I just put a seed in a pot and got lucky I guess.


Have at least 250W(real) for a moderate yield and replace the mirror with some mylar! You'll be even more lucky than ;)


Have at least 250W(real) for a moderate yield and replace the mirror with some mylar! You'll be even more lucky than ;)

250w real? This just like a 250w bulb or what?

I think I got some mylar in the shop. :)

Oh I heard I need ventilation? I just have my bathroom ceiling vent going 24/7, and a mini desk fan to circulate air more.


Well-Known Member
more light ,6 42 watt cfls red 2700k added to what you have minimum or you will yeild like a 1/4 z if lucky are u light proofing when lights are out?


Well-Known Member
wow you should kill them now. look like super streched out herms good job

that is sickening. all the encouragment your getting is even more sickenning.

do some research, sure grow em out if you want but those plants are fucked


wow you should kill them now. look like super streched out herms good job

that is sickening. all the encouragment your getting is even more sickenning.

do some research, sure grow em out if you want but those plants are fucked

I made this thread for advice/help, considering this is the Newbie section. Elitist growers who don't offer any constructive advice aren't welcome.


more light ,6 42 watt cfls red 2700k added to what you have minimum or you will yeild like a 1/4 z if lucky are u light proofing when lights are out?
I shut the door to my bathroom and turn all lights off at 8. The only light it could get at night is whatever moonlight from outside gets through the shades. Then turn it all back on at 8am.

Is it too late to increase the light to increase the yield?


I gave you my advice child kill them lanky hermaphridites
Sorry, I dont see the point in killing a good plant because it's not the best it could be. Like I've stated, this is my first plant i've grown. I'm still learning, and pulling it isn't going to help me at all, with anything.


Well-Known Member
Sorry, I dont see the point in killing a good plant because it's not the best it could be. Like I've stated, this is my first plant i've grown. I'm still learning, and pulling it isn't going to help me at all, with anything.
and like I said in my original post grow em out if you want but those plants are fucked. all your going to get is light airy buds filled with mostly seed and all it will do is give you a head ach. by all means grow them out but know that they are fucked and do some research to find out how to do it right, If you want to learn something I can teach you but if your gonna get your ass up on your shoulders and call me an elitest than fuck off i got work to do.

everyones telling you how great your doing but did you know they were hermies??????? who told you that


and like I said in my original post grow em out if you want but those plants are fucked. all your going to get is light airy buds filled with mostly seed and all it will do is give you a head ach. by all means grow them out but know that they are fucked and do some research to find out how to do it right, If you want to learn something I can teach you but if your gonna get your ass up on your shoulders and call me an elitest than fuck off i got work to do.
By work you mean trolling threads? The whole point of this thread was to try and learn something. Telling me to kill them defeats the purpose. How about telling me how to avoid it in the future so you don't sound like such a tool. Just sayin'.


more light ,6 42 watt cfls red 2700k added to what you have minimum or you will yeild like a 1/4 z if lucky are u light proofing when lights are out?

Do they all need to be above the plant? Or can I wall mount a couple to get some light to the sides?


Well-Known Member
By work you mean trolling threads? The whole point of this thread was to try and learn something. Telling me to kill them defeats the purpose. How about telling me how to avoid it in the future so you don't sound like such a tool. Just sayin'.
yea buddy I'm a fuckin troll. I was more upset by how people were lying to you about how great they look. I appolagise for comming on your thread with my balls hanging out. there is not much you can do for those plants now side lighting will help I guess but I would sugest starting over. when you do start new seeds get light on them right away when they sprout even if it is just a 26w cfl. keep the light real close like an inch or 2 away. then get a fan blowing on it right away. the fan blowing will strengthen the stems up so you will have a nice sturdy plant and the plant will strech toward the light so keep it close to avoid excessive streching, tube fluro's are not your best bet in this situation unless used properly. the tube spreads the light intensity out over the length of that tube where a cfl is more concentrated. you can get those clip on type fixture that you can hang all around the plant you can also get y spliters so you can put 2 cfls into one socket safely. cfls are great for vegging but something more powerful is needed for flower I personally would use a 400w hps but you can get higher powered cfls but I don't have much expiereance with those.