First Time Growing in a New Enviroment


Active Member
I started this grow about 4 months back now. About 2 months back maybe a little less, my babies ran into some trouble but I was luckily able to rivive them thanks to some advice on here but has caused this grow to take a little longer than anticipated. You can read about my problems here:

She's 19 days into flowering now and is starting to smell nice and sticky sweet. As a result of taking the extra time to rivive my babies they've grow quite a few branches so it looks like I should get a pretty decent yeild from it. I have no idea what strain it is as it was bag seed but the smoke it came from was very good quality so I hope this is too. This is my first time growing where I live now and there's almost nothing in the way of supplies for anything related to this. I have grown before but supplies are plentiful in my home country.

I say 'it' now cause two of my three girls have also become boys now so they had to go just like the one male I had earlier on. I had sexed them early on in the grow. That's when I found out one of the four was male.

Anyway this is what I'm using. It's in peat moss and has been repotted about 3 weeks ago to its final pot. The temps around 27 to 30 degrees celsius. The water I use has Super Thrive added and I use a time release nute that has N13-P13-K13-2Mg which is the only nute I have available to me with that has that info on it (I live in another country where hardly anyone speaks English and DIY and garden shops are non existent). I also crush up a little of the time release nutes and add them to a 2 liter bottle of water and give that to it in small doses about once a week. Their ph levels stay around 6.5 to 7 which I check regularly. It was on an 18/6 light cycle for vegative growth, and obviously now, it's on a 12/12 light cycle as it's flowering. I'm also giving it some molasses about once a week now that it's flowering. There's a fan in ther too, a bowl of water to keep the humidity good and a thermometer.

My grow chamber is home made. I took a chest of drawers and removed the drawers but kept the front part of each drawer. I put together a false front, that's on hinges, so it still looks like a chest of drawers. It also has a lock on the side. Inside there are 5 flourescents, I should mention here the size of my chamber. It's about 2 feet by 2 feet and about 2 and a half feet tall. I have three floursecents at the top of the chamber, two compact 40 watt and a long 36 watt one. I also have another two 30 watt ones about half way up the side to get more light to the lower branches.You can see it in some of the pictures below.

I have taken 3 clones from from my baby which are also doing nicely and have doubled in size in a humudity chamber except for one which I think has a 50/50 chance of making it. They'll soon be potted and put out in my grow chamber but for now they're under a 30 watt flourescent about 3 inches above them. No nutes yet. There are also a couple of seeds sprouted in my grow chamber as well.

I'll post up some pics of them in the different stages they went through up till now, and will continue too update them as time goes on.

What do you guys think of it and my set up. Also if you have any advice, it'll be much appreciated.


Active Member
And these are pics of my baby today, 19 days into flowering and going strong.

I'll keep updating photos as they progress.

What do you think so far?

Okay I've tried twice now to put the photos up but keep getting some warning that I don't have a security ticket or somethinglike that.

Anyone know what it is?


Well-Known Member
hey BigBuds good to see that things straightened out for you. Your girl looks good. Nice nugs for 19 days.


Active Member

There are three girls in there again now. I had taken some clones from the original girl. Two of them are about 6 ro 7inches tall now so I have repoted them and placed them into the grow chamber on a 12/12 cycle.

They took of better than I thought. I have one more clone but she's growing a little bit slower than the other two. She's only about 3 to 4 inches tall now. I also have two more sprouts that I'll transfer in once they have grown up a bit more. They're about an inch and a half tall.

My original plan was never to grow as big as my original plant but becuase of the troubles I had it was in vegative growth longer than planned and got almost too big for my grow chamber. These clones are about the size I was originally planning before switiching over to a 12/12 light cycle.


Active Member
hey man great job with your growing process! i have a quick question, i read your previous post when your girls were sick, what did you finally do to cure the yellow and curling? Was it that you flushed it out because over nute or was it something else? Keep up the good work ;)