first time growing pics.


Well-Known Member
okay sorry for the double post. I see now. Dispense into a hymidifier or something of sort. What else could i use to dispurse that gel stuff? lol cause in the basement i use a DEhumidifyer and cant really add more moisture into the air. Is there a different item i could put that gel into to mist it?


Well-Known Member
Yup :) First off. Grats on growing man. Give us some specs. Soil/lighting/nutes/age/strain.. Second thing i can tell ya quickly is stretched plants dude. Lower that light. Third thing. Each plant needs to be in its own pot. Or your gonna get some problems real quickly
I agree with everything that nugglet said. You took the words right outta my mouth dude, plus rep
UH, Yeah...what they said.

Get some CFL's or something because the light you have now sucks. I find it kinda hard to believe that you are 18 man......


Get rid of that heat lamp. get as bright a compact fluorescent as you can get and stick that baby about an inch or two above the plants. Also, get yourself a small oscillating fan on them as soon as possible. Strengthens the stems.
If you're using store bought potting soil, don't feed them anything for about a month. Then start them out on whatever you are gonna use for ferts, but do it at no more than 1/2 strength, preferably 1/4 so as not to burn them to a crisp.

That about covers the veg phase, lemme know when you wanna flip 'em to flower. In about 6 weeks or more. Read up on the flowering phase of the plant. Read the sticky MMJ Botany by Clarke. That will prepare you for whats to come.


Well-Known Member
To be honest man you are going to have to get a bunch of those to control smell all the way through flowering. Plants flower from 8-10 weeks on average so you would need to get quite a few. This is an expensive hobby man and if you don't want to drop the money than you aren't going to be able to control the smell. I would get a carbon filter or ozone generator, that ona stuff is just going to be a pain in the ass I think


Well-Known Member
sounds good man. Money is not really an issue(not bragging), im just cheap :P Lol.. but ya. Im leaning towards a carbon filter. But if i do build one, becuase my box is not perfectly sealed will this be pointless? Just thinking it would be because air can leak out the box in lots of places.


Well-Known Member
If you have a strong exhaust fan than there should be a negative pressure not allowing any smells to come out anywhere but the exhaust which will be filtered through the carbon


Well-Known Member
Alrighty. I think I may scrap my box and build one out of wood. That way i can build it for a exhaust port etc. The fan i have blowing out is 6" and the fan blowin in is 4" But i just have holes cut and the fans near these. There is not actually a proper seal.


Well-Known Member
right on man. Ill check it out tomorrow. I gotta get some shut eye lol. thanks for all the help tho. Ill read up on the carbon filter stuff but if you wouldnt mind sending me a message about how u built ur box/filter with some numbers and details ill + the rep dude.. Im all ears when it comes to free advice :) Cheers everyone and have a good night!