First time growing..some juicy tips from the pros would be appreciated :D

Hi first time growing, its been a month since i planted the seed and its been getting around 12 hrs of sunlight a day (planted it outdoors). Been watering whenever the soil looked dry and gave it some yates thrive fertilizer on the recommendation of a mate. Its 10 cm tall atm. summer here officially starts at 1st of december so yea what u think homies :D


Active Member
Biggest advice: You're gonna fuck up, don't get discouraged, and when something's wrong find out what it is and fix it ASAP. Other than that, I've never grown outdoors even though I've always wanted to.


Well-Known Member
Outdoors the biggest pain was pests! From tiny little insect big hairy deer! Always there waiting to help you fuck up.
Don't pander with water too much, you want the roots to go searching for water to a certain extent..
I miss outdoor growing...damn this cold n wet country!


Well-Known Member
Take notes so you know what you did, what worked, what didn't, etc. It will save you headaches in the long run since you'll be able to look back on past grows and prevent problems before they occur.
Outdoors the biggest pain was pests! From tiny little insect big hairy deer! Always there waiting to help you fuck up.
Don't pander with water too much, you want the roots to go searching for water to a certain extent..
I miss outdoor growing...damn this cold n wet country!
Im in nz so no big hairy deers here :) slugs are the worst i get around here. Got some slug repellant so thats good. Hmmm ive been watering it almost everyday, is that too much ? probably y its so small :(


get some diamacecous earth and sprinkle it all around your plants, get tomato cages for late flower, they will most likely get too heavy to support themselves and deal with whether conditions at the same time.. and they help them keep form in the wind. check often for pests, especially spider mites, aphids, fungus gnats, and god forsaken thrips. easy way to check for mites.. wait til dark and shine a flashlight under the fan leaves' if u see small dots moving u got em, and u probably will, don't freak out, these fuckers are everywhere, neem oil takes care of them. also if u see purple veins in ur stems ur plants are pissed about the whether changing rapidly, so accommodate them.
get some diamacecous earth and sprinkle it all around your plants, get tomato cages for late flower, they will most likely get too heavy to support themselves and deal with whether conditions at the same time.. and they help them keep form in the wind. check often for pests, especially spider mites, aphids, fungus gnats, and god forsaken thrips. easy way to check for mites.. wait til dark and shine a flashlight under the fan leaves' if u see small dots moving u got em, and u probably will, don't freak out, these fuckers are everywhere, neem oil takes care of them. also if u see purple veins in ur stems ur plants are pissed about the whether changing rapidly, so accommodate them.
Sweet ill get some of that tomorrow. Btw its been growing for a month now and its only 10cm tall, isnt that really small ?


not necesarrily, planting from seed outside can take a little longer, its usually advisable to develop a good rootball before getting outside, u might want to gently loosen the dirt around ur lady to give her room to explore those feets of hers
don't worry about it then u still have awhile just protect that little lady from pests and shell be fine.
Horay, around when ish does it start to bud anyway ? Cos some people over here are saying that its gunna start budding in a month or so and i dont think ill get that much bud if it starts budding in a month :(


Well-Known Member