First time growing, working great! but i have to move! what now!?!? (picture)


Active Member
WHat up a first time grower and i have two plants grwoing under one 3' flourescent fixture strip containing 2 bulbs both of which are flourescent "plant growth bulbs" from home depot... the have been growin for about 3 weeks now and one is beautiful and about 10"-11" tall and the other is just fucked up for whatever reason, they were planted at the same time and the other is only about 2" tall and just recently started growing again, only its growing weird ass twisted leaves?! i dunno what that means, but anyways thats not my problem is "juana" is growing great and at a rapid pace and i would hate to lose her! but i am on summer break and i am going back home for the summer and cannot leave her here...i'm considering bringing her but i would like some tips! i have about a 9 hour drive and i drive a pick up truck with an empty attatched toolbox in back, i was thinking of bringing it in there but i have no idea on how to go about doing it even safe? please any help would be great! thanx! heres a pic of "Juana".


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't put the plants in the back, the wind would kill them. You can take them with you upfront. Of course, it is critical that you obey all the traffic laws. The last thing you want is to be pulled over for speeding and get caught with 2 pot plants. I would out them in a cardboard box and strap that into the front seat. That way they can still get sunshine. If you are stopping in a town for food, put the box on the floor of the front seat and maybe cover them with a towel or something. Don't leave them for too long in a sealed hot car or they could wilt. One time 9 hours without their regular regime of light and dark shouldn't permanently harm them. What are you going to do with them once you reach your summer break destination, which I presume is with your parents? Will you be able to hide them there? Good luck.


Active Member
Thnks for your input hearmenow, ya im not sure, i would DEFFINITELY follow traffic rules haha, but im still thinking i might try the toolbox in back because it is air tight and i was thinking if i put it in a box it will just look like the rest of the shit im moving with me you know?, also if i lock the toolbox no one is legally allowed to open you think i should even be trying to move it?, as for when i get home, yes i am with my parents, but i have a friend from high school that said he has a place for it this summer, might just flower it there this summer. here are some more pics!


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't leave them at school. Without care and attention, they'll most certainly die. I agree, have your friend finish. A word of caution, from where you are now, you'll probably be back at school when they are done.

I understand your logic for putting it in a sealed tool box. That may be fine for a couple hours but you don't want them cooped up for 9 hours like that, especially if you are driving during the day and it's hot out. You'll want to stop every couple of hours to allow some fresh air in there. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
looks stretched in the first place, but what ever, get a box where it will fit in and move it during dark cycle and you are fine. us the time you got to set up a temporary room in your new place and you all settled;) a single day were she is a bit off timing won't kill her. box it, tape it shut and go.

or move her outdoors... but that would be the best idea.

maybe you got a buddy who is staying at collage and he keeps it for you;) if it is a real friend you can ask:D


Active Member
Ha thanks everyone, i know im pissed she's so stretched, but ya i have a friend back home with his own place and i think he'll hold it there for me and we can both take care of it or whatever, i was mostly worried about the trip...another thing is she's on 24/0 so she doesnt have a dark period, but like you said i think she'll be ok for one day?


Well-Known Member
you wasting money brother, 18/6 is perfect no need for 24h of sunshine or? actually, if you ask me you harming your plant with this since it has no period to us up the energy it sucked from the light, in the dark period the roots grow for example, and roots are needed, or?;)


Active Member
Oh shit i didnt know that!? i was just told i can have it on a 24 hour cycle?! shit maybe ill change it then