first time growing


Well-Known Member
i have a 250w hps light with a gang timer relay in my warbrobe. i have a bag of bio bizz all mix , super thrive , bio bizz bloom, 2x 3.6 Litre Square Hydro Pot (15cm x 15cm x 20cm deep) a large wardrobe with foil all around and will be getting a ph tester and a nutrient strength tester. i am also getting some cuttings that are allready rooted. i am going to be having lights on 18hrs on 6 hours off then when flowering 12 hours on 12 hours off. can i have some tips.


Well-Known Member
i have a 250w hps light with a gang timer relay in my warbrobe. i have a bag of bio bizz all mix , super thrive , bio bizz bloom, 2x 3.6 Litre Square Hydro Pot (15cm x 15cm x 20cm deep) a large wardrobe with foil all around and will be getting a ph tester and a nutrient strength tester. i am also getting some cuttings that are allready rooted. i am going to be having lights on 18hrs on 6 hours off then when flowering 12 hours on 12 hours off. can i have some tips.
See if you can veg them under some blue light, maybe some floros, then add the 250hps for flowering. I would also ditch the foil and just use some white paint or reflective paper.


Well-Known Member
Get rid of the foil!!! Flat white paint is far more effective and doesnt cause heat spots. Also, as an experienced grower I always say 'dont be afraid'. Too many inexperienced growers are afraid of too many things, weed is very resiliant. Dont over nute, find out what YOUR plants like, they are all different. Only water when the medium is dry to the fingertip when poking it in up to your knuckle. Ask people on here anything else and read the growfaq from start to finish. GLUCK!!!


Well-Known Member
thats perfect amount space for 250w.. how long do you plan on vegging or how big you want your plants? you dont a want tall plant with a 250w


Well-Known Member
i dont want a tall plants i want medium size plants with a nice amount of but. will whit paper be better then faoil then. i need help with how long i need to be vegging and flowering as im a beginer and havnt a clue. i am thankfull for all help


Well-Known Member
well depends i vegg under 250w of cfl's for 5 maybe 6 weeks sometimes there prolly about 12"-16" after depending on strains...when im done flowering the prolly about 30" long but i use LST or Scrog to keep the bud sites even to the light...


Well-Known Member
can i not just use the 250w hps throughout the grow. the person i bought it from said it is full spectrum. it has a sun t plus light in it


Well-Known Member
Just use the HPS all the way though it's fine. It's not the ideal light spectrum for veg but it has so many lumens that doesn't matter, it'll still do better than cfl's. It's only likely to cause a lot of stretching if you have it too far away.


Well-Known Member
well the cuttings will be allready rooted and 7" tall and i cant afford to buy any more lights. but if i keep my light close they wont strectch as much


Well-Known Member
im going to put white paper inside now and install an extraction fan over the weekend as my plants come monday. th wardrobe is 1 an half feet deep by just under 3 feet wide. here it is so far



Well-Known Member
seems like you got it going good for a first grow, I say just stick to the basics, feed at half strength at first, but not untill plants are 2 to 3 weeks old, dont over water, let soil dry out before watering again, check my sticking finger in soil one inch down, if still wet dont water, Dont trim leaves, keep light 12 to 16 inch from plant depending on heat. Maybe try topping or fim? Its not very hard at all, details in the grow FAQ, Dont be afraid of these methods, And finally, Good Luck, Your Hooked now.


Well-Known Member
do i need to have an extraction fan or do i just need to circulate the air? also what is topping or fim? i have also got my hands on a ph meter and a truncheon hydroponics meter. i payed £30 for it from a friend. is that a good price


Well-Known Member
right im having a problem.the person i was geting my plant from has let me down and i live in the uk and am unsure where to get seeds from and how so i cant be traced. can anyone help