first time growing..


Active Member
so, this is the first time i have ever grown ANYTHINGG!! it's been about a month and so far i have two plants one a bit over 7 in the other is about 5 both have almost 8 complete leaves, the first 2 are small ovals the second set have 3 leaves and the 3&4th with 5. the plants both look healthy and have just been moved to a bigger pot with new and better soil and growing room..
Now i just got seeds from a bag no strong strand that i know of just some good homegrown, is it likely they will live and bud??? also they are inside plants so far sitting in my window and getting natural sunlight but will soon be put in a closet with lights.. they are not being fed anything but water, and the small oval leaves are now turning yellow, could it be due to the lack of growing space they were in?
i have grown attached to the plants.. lol, in a weird way and they are a cool experiment for me... what do i need to get to make this work??? they cheapest way?? lights, food, etc ...


Well-Known Member
help me!!! :)
Okay, so, ive seen someone grow a plant in just direct sunlight from a window. Its possible, but they had to keep moving the plant everyday and keep a box over at night to keep the 12/12 right.
Otherwise you need to get some CFL lights from lowes and some sockets for them.


Well-Known Member
Okay, so, ive seen someone grow a plant in just direct sunlight from a window. Its possible, but they had to keep moving the plant everyday and keep a box over at night to keep the 12/12 right.
Otherwise you need to get some CFL lights from lowes and some sockets for them.
With good soil you wont need nutes during veg. I take it you have a low budget, so just get some good soil, and use 2 liter soda bottle or larger (pretzel jars, whatever), pots are cheap though. As far as flower goes i recommend you get a good flowering nute, and some molasses. Lamp


Active Member
k.. right now they are together in the same pot.. i didnt realize it was going to matter, i figured i would move them apart when the roots are strong enough.. or should i leave them be? my budget it almost zero.. but what is the cheapest light i can get?


dont keep them in the same pot unless its a big ass pot


Active Member
its a pretty big ass pot, lol.. but they are still small and im worried if i move one i will do too much root damage and put it in shock... should i wait till its older with better root structure or just do it now?


Active Member
its a pretty big ass pot, lol.. but they are still small and im worried if i move one i will do too much root damage and put it in shock... should i wait till its older with better root structure or just do it now?
do it now bro :weed:


Active Member
K thanks .. so im going to get my b/f to get some lights but im a collage student and i am poor as hell... so i have been told to get lights from lowes, CFL but what watt is going to be the best? im making a setup in A cabinet its a little bigger than 5ft X2ft going to cut and place light through the top, am guessing i will need a fan??? what is the cheapest way for me to do this??


Well-Known Member
dont worry about the oval leaves, they are supposed to fall off and die.. and yes, paint the grow room flat white, or get some mylar or panda film for reflection.


Active Member
SO! i went and got a 150 watt CFL, 2700K so far so good.. should i start with 12/12?? or start slow with them, they were getting about 7 hours if that in the window... i have a 5X2 space right now while it is small and can move when necessary.. i also have a humidifier and there is no fan in the cabinet yet... should i use it???


Well-Known Member
Yellow? Could be overwatering, the best way i know of to avoid that is get like those injection needles for turkies at thanksgiving time cause on the side they have measurements, i'd say anywhere from 30-35ml once for small plants that are growing in sunlight and two 30-35ml's for bigger plants ready to transition to flowering from veg. For light i wouldnt know.


Well-Known Member
Yellow? Could be overwatering, the best way i know of to avoid that is get like those injection needles for turkies at thanksgiving time cause on the side they have measurements, i'd say anywhere from 30-35ml once for small plants that are growing in sunlight and two 30-35ml's for bigger plants ready to transition to flowering from veg. For light i wouldnt know.
i would definitely water the plant more than 2-4 tablespoons. depending on the container size, give it a good watering so that all the soil is watered not just the top. let it dry up (not completly though), then water again. . have you had success doing this 30-35 ml waterings?


Well-Known Member
It was a medium size container and the needle was a boon during the plants seedling stages and i grew it by sunlight the first time, i had 5 sucessful plants 2x 35mL per day and even if the soil was a little moist the next morning i'd water it again, the plant grew up to flowering stage before i starting watering heavily. They didnt have many problems except for the bottom leaves getting a little yellow. By the time they were ready to flower i'd say they were around 3-4ft?


Well-Known Member
Yeah five, i have a huge window that faces the garage area in the back, kind of to the corner so its easy. In the beginning i grew them behind the blinds and put the fan on low and pointed it to the wall so the wind would bounce and hit the plants, They grew almost overnight or it appeared like it to me, watering every day at around 11 am. Good sunlight for most of the plants. One of the plants was growing slowly but that may because of lack of light since it was kinda behind the others (gave it away). My yield? It was my first time and i wasnt really being smart so i'd say a good 2 oz per plant...? Wouldnt be too sure, two weeks into flowering when the buds were showing and the pistils were nice and thick the plants were starting to reek and i had people coming in and out of my room so i had to give them away. :( 5 months of work ;-;
Still.. i still use the technique and it works well, though you have to be careful if your growing under lights. When you grow your next crop i'd recommend for seedlings, trust me it works.


Well-Known Member
The oval leaves are the cotyledons and they are supposed to die after the plant is in veg (usually, genetics). So dont worrk, CFLs are deff the cheapeast and you dont have to get all of them at once. Get like 4 for now, and thean ass they get bigger add more, so you dont spend alot of money at once. In veg the only prob you usually see is a Nitrogen def, fert burn, watering prob or pH prob. So if you dont use nutes until the plants start to yellow, you will avoid the burning. If they yellow, since your budgets low, urinate in a 1 Gal container and dilute to 1/8-1/4 urine to water. It want smell but for 5-15 mins, hardly, if at all. Also urine is loaded in trace minerals and hormones that have shown effects on plants.

When you watter, just water when the pot is light (not heavy like after a watering), or by checking to see if the top 2 inches of soil are dry.

All that leaves you is a pH prob. Get a ph meter at walmart they are small, and only like 6 bucks. But to be real cheap you can buy just a head of red cabbage for a dollar, and make your own ph test solution. Its so fucking easy, and you will have a half jar of test solution. Lamp


Well-Known Member
All you need to buy for now is 4 CFLs in a cool spectrum.

4 sockets and cord combo, for the lights.

Maybe some sall hooks to hand the cfls.

Good soil.

Pots and saucers

and some lemon juice to keep your pH down, Usually its all you need. If nutes are high get some unflavored tums or backing soda to raise the ph. (just a pinch)

Timer and power strip (might already have it)

And thats it. Total that up and im sure its not much at all and if need be i can come up with some cheaper solution.

Later on after veg get yourself a good, yet not overpriced flowering nute. (you dont wanna mess up here), or get so bat guano which is cheap and make a tea. Lamp