First time growing


Active Member
Hey there guys,

I am a new grower and would like some input on the materials/setup that I have going. I am currently using an Aeroponic system and all organic nutrients (Botanicare Pro Grow w/ Liquid Karma). I also put an oxygenator in the reservoir to make sure that my tank water is nutrient rich. I have a 400 watt metal halide light. I currently have the light cycle to 18/6 to promote vegetative growth. I have a few plants of black widow, trainwreck, god's gift, and grand daddy purps.

At first, the plants didn't seem to be growing at a remarkable speed, but once the roots grew into the misting chamber, the plants grew like crazy. I am very excited about this. I just had a few questions

1. Does aeroponics give higher yields, or does it only make the plants grow faster?

2. Should I use an organic bio-fungicide (like Botanicare Hydroguard)? I know that the high oxygen levels in my reservoir and misting chamber should prevent most bacterial and fungal problems, but just in case? Or maybe I am completely wrong about this.

3. Can I determine the sex of the plant before the flowering stage (like are there any specific characteristics during veg stage)? I tried to look through previous postings and pictures, but it seemed like the plants were in the flowering stage.

I will post pics of the aeroponic growth if anybody would like to see. Comments/advice would be greatly appreciated.


Active Member
As far as I know hydro just cuts the time almost in half, which if your looking at it the right way could be consider higher yields. Im not sure about the fungicide but as far as sex goes, if the plants been going for a little while and hits maturity sometimes it will just one day lift up her skirt and show preflowers, however most of the time you have to switch to 12/12 in order for the plant to show, however males tend to show first allowing for ample time to pull 'em, as well you can revert back to veg state once sex is showing and all the males are gone, it does however tack on a week or two to the overall finishing time, because the plant takes about that long to get back into the swing of things.


Well-Known Member
Hey there guys,

I am a new grower and would like some input on the materials/setup that I have going. I am currently using an Aeroponic system and all organic nutrients (Botanicare Pro Grow w/ Liquid Karma). I also put an oxygenator in the reservoir to make sure that my tank water is nutrient rich. I have a 400 watt metal halide light. I currently have the light cycle to 18/6 to promote vegetative growth. I have a few plants of black widow, trainwreck, god's gift, and grand daddy purps.

At first, the plants didn't seem to be growing at a remarkable speed, but once the roots grew into the misting chamber, the plants grew like crazy. I am very excited about this. I just had a few questions

1. Does aeroponics give higher yields, or does it only make the plants grow faster?

2. Should I use an organic bio-fungicide (like Botanicare Hydroguard)? I know that the high oxygen levels in my reservoir and misting chamber should prevent most bacterial and fungal problems, but just in case? Or maybe I am completely wrong about this.

3. Can I determine the sex of the plant before the flowering stage (like are there any specific characteristics during veg stage)? I tried to look through previous postings and pictures, but it seemed like the plants were in the flowering stage.

I will post pics of the aeroponic growth if anybody would like to see. Comments/advice would be greatly appreciated.
I think the single biggest factor when determining yield is experience. I think the benefit if hydro is faster veg times - which you've noticed so you get to flower faster. It doesn't decrease flower time nor do i believe it produces larger (or smaller) yields. but as the previous poster pointed out because the veg time is decreased you can produce more over time.

I would not use any fungicide or other preventative unless it was necessary. Though I recall reading somewhere that H2O2 (hydrogen peroxide) is both good as a preventative and had other benefits - so you may want to investigate. My feeling is if it ain't broke ...

You have to wait to see the sex until you can know what it is - it you veg long enough sometimes the plant will show sex before switching to 12/12.

good luck and happy growing :leaf:


Active Member
hey im growing blue god with a 400w hps. its now day 25 from breaking soil (veg stage) and it looks like it has seeds...its my firts grow but im 99% sure its seeds is this right or is it to early to tell? lights are on 24/7