First Time Growing


So this is the set up I have to start with. Once sprouted I am going to add an identical container with tin foil on the inside and hang it upside down and run the cord through it. I will also add more lighting once the plants become bigger. I uploaded a pic of the bulbs I am using. I also put three more pictures, two of soil and one of a fertilizer (9-12-12). Now it's nothing fancy and that's fine. I was given a lot of seeds, have no idea what strain it even is, this is my first time growing so I am not looking to spend a ton of money on quality product until I know what I am doing ya know? So I guess I just want to know if this set up will work? I am getting a big fan to put in there tomorrow as well..


Well-Known Member
How's it going. If your on a tight budget get white paint. Tin foil reflexs poorly and it creates hot spots. Flat white paint reflexs just as good as Mylar and such other brands. Second, your soil, soil that feeds for months have time released furtilizer in it. If you dig in it you'll see little balls of green or such. Those aren't the best thing to have, reason being is when they pop it also creats a "hot spot" of nutes in a certain area running u a risk of burning your plants. For vegging you can use 2,700 k bulbs but it's best to use 5,500 + in kalven . I like to run 6,500k . What are u planing on doing if even one becomes a female for smell control? Lady's do smell up an area. I've grown with small cfl's large ones and then moved into the hps. You can get a small 150watt hps for about 90.00 and it will out preform any cfl. You should really read up on more info before doing this, there's always a risk for fire and getting caught. Not hating but looking out , JLOI


I will have to post more pictures, last night I added the top to it. I will read up more and I am actually going out today to grab a fire extinguisher, I thought about that as I put in those hot ass light bulbs lol. And as for smell, I own the home so I am not to worried. But I figure when the time comes I will just hop on this forum and find out the best way for odor control lol.
OK for light just go on amazon get this for now.
Not that expensive and you'll be happier with the results. You can have the light 6 inches from the plant and it won't burn.
For odor control search carbon filter. I'm not sure if this will work but it's got good reviews and isn't expensive.
you won't need this for about a month or two when you change over to flowering 12/12 light cycle if you choose to get rid of the odor. I would suggest getting rid of it cause you don't want all the people you have over to know you're growing if they don't need to know.
For light cycles get this.
Takes all the guesswork out of it for you and it works great in my experience with it.
If you add fans that blow in/out with vinyl ducts for cooling then get this

These are just what I have, and Yeah it's not going to cost you just $100 to start growing ounces of weed at home... It can be an expensive hobby even if it's just personal use. So expect to spend a little bit of money on fertilizers and bug killer in the future. you'll make the money all back if you grow more than 2 plants and it's not like you won't be able to grow 10 plants with just one bottle of ferts and bug spray and everything else is reusable.

One other thing, rule of thumb is 100w or more per plant you grow. So right now those lights you have will work for a week or two until they will start to slow growth and cause the plants to stop growing well, if at all in size. So if you grow 3 plants at a time get three lights. $150 really isn't bad IMO. :-?


OK for light just go on amazon get this for now.
Not that expensive and you'll be happier with the results. You can have the light 6 inches from the plant and it won't burn.
For odor control search carbon filter. I'm not sure if this will work but it's got good reviews and isn't expensive.
you won't need this for about a month or two when you change over to flowering 12/12 light cycle if you choose to get rid of the odor. I would suggest getting rid of it cause you don't want all the people you have over to know you're growing if they don't need to know.
For light cycles get this.
Takes all the guesswork out of it for you and it works great in my experience with it.
If you add fans that blow in/out with vinyl ducts for cooling then get this

These are just what I have, and Yeah it's not going to cost you just $100 to start growing ounces of weed at home... It can be an expensive hobby even if it's just personal use. So expect to spend a little bit of money on fertilizers and bug killer in the future. you'll make the money all back if you grow more than 2 plants and it's not like you won't be able to grow 10 plants with just one bottle of ferts and bug spray and everything else is reusable.

One other thing, rule of thumb is 100w or more per plant you grow. So right now those lights you have will work for a week or two until they will start to slow growth and cause the plants to stop growing well, if at all in size. So if you grow 3 plants at a time get three lights. $150 really isn't bad IMO. :-?
Thank you for the advice! I am always learning many new things daily and I am going to be checking all those links out! You rock, thank you.


Well-Known Member
If this is your first grow, and you just want to see results, your set up will work for you. There are better ways to set up, obviously, however, that is almost exactly what my setup looked like when I started, except I had 4 of those lights in there, and 2 healthy fatass plants. Scotts Hydroponex has the possibility of having weeds in them (not weed weed, but weeds...) I grew with the same soil, and I had a little green deally poking up that was not mary jane! Just a warning for you if you get one, lol I thought at first that the weed sprout was from my WEED, and I babied it for a while til I found out I was taking care of some crappy weed that was sucking nutes from mary! You have a decent bloom fertilizer (9-12-12) but for vegging you should try to boost the nitrogen a bit more. Weed doesn't have a SMELLY smell till it starts flowering, or til the plant is really really big (mine were about a foot high, and a solid foot square of plant matter, but you had to put your face in it to smell it) so you have some time before you HAVE to have smell control, if money is an issue, you can start growing now, and not need smell control til you are ready to flip to flower. You should have some kind of fan inside (it acts like wind) and will help to develop the stem a lot, set it at low, and not directly at her, you want the air to move around, but no hurricane winds on your girl. I have grown several 2-3 foot plants with a similar set up like you have, and it worked fine. The FLAT white paint as stated earlier is better than the foil though, flat, not glossy. When you switch to flower you will want to get a better light than the CFLs, or at least different spectrum, and more lights, however you have a month or so to get your grow room set up and started. My personal preference is the CFL lights (for veg) since you can keep the CFL closer than most other lights (I had mines about 3-4 inches away, and more on the sides than directly on the top) the nodes will grow really close together (some of mine had 3-4 nodes every inch! which is a lot of branches, and a lot more buds in a smaller space) Also, Walmart has some 24" grow spectrum lights, I think they are 10 bucks or so, they are really good when used with CFLs (if you're gonna stay the cheaper route) but definately start your grow, you have time to get the rest of the stuff going as long as your room is light proof, you are off to a really good start. finally, don't forget to get an automatic timer, you're gonna need it to make sure the lights come on and off at 18/6.


Well-Known Member
Ok, I'm going to say something I should have asked b4, what is your budget ?


Well-Known Member
So this is the set up I have to start with. Once sprouted I am going to add an identical container with tin foil on the inside and hang it upside down and run the cord through it. I will also add more lighting once the plants become bigger. I uploaded a pic of the bulbs I am using. I also put three more pictures, two of soil and one of a fertilizer (9-12-12). Now it's nothing fancy and that's fine. I was given a lot of seeds, have no idea what strain it even is, this is my first time growing so I am not looking to spend a ton of money on quality product until I know what I am doing ya know? So I guess I just want to know if this set up will work? I am getting a big fan to put in there tomorrow as well..
Shit if you really got a shit load of seeds, go ahead and send me some cause I dont have any :( I dont care what kind they are I need some seeds, lol