first time growing


Active Member
Hello from Australia,

first time grower here!

attatched is a photo of my 2 plants currently in veg. Sorry for dropped plants, photo was taken at night.

Left is a purple og #18 and right is a queen kush.

They have been in veg for a while now (think I planted to early) and our outdoor light doesn't drop to 12 hours till april. When will an outdoor begin to flower generally in relation to sunlight period? It drops down to about 6-7 deg Celsius at night in may so im not sure they will like the cool.

Growing marajuana is decriminalized in my state hence only the two plants but does anyone have any tips to mask the odour when they flower? They can still be confiscated if someone dobs me in.

they are currently in 60l pots with about 5cm gravel on base premium potting mix and covered with spagnum moss for water retention( still watering daily due to the extreme heat here atm). I use organic fertilizers and am only guessing at the moment and watching tips for nute burn.

I have taken some clones of the og will they get enough veg in before flowering begins? Or will I have to return them indoors?

Also looking at getting dutch passion seeds next grown thinking blue berry and shaman not sure if ill go auto or not either.

Thanks for any input you have!



Active Member
They look great, i cant tell u times since im in US, but i can tell u dont worry about it to much. Nature will take its corse, just keep going and your going to get some nice buds. Well done so far.


Well-Known Member
Hey mate I started flower last week of December and by the look of your tops I'd take a really close look as that bright green May be your flowering already. In any case the daylight hours are decreasing as of dec 21 so it won't be long mate.


Active Member
Hey red yes I have noticed a difference since the last full moon on the 21st. Tops are really green starting to smell and the genitals are getting larger. I was thinking they would probably start flowering early feb?


Active Member
Plants are about 3 weeks into flowering. No yellow leaves as of yet. Using canna flores for flowering stage thinking of running pk 13 14 this week. Any suggestions would be great



Well-Known Member
your plants drop for 2 reasons.
1) too much water. if not too much water than.
2) they cant find what they want. IE the needed nutrients. so if water isnt issue give them more veg nutes.


Active Member
Got ontop of them drooping even when watered. Gradually increased nutes and they look perfect now and doubled in size in a week before flowering.


Active Member
hey mate, also from sus and a first time grower.. Your plants are looking good, do you have any recent ones? I tip I picked up until daylight gets to 12/12 cover your plant over and shut its light off completely, eg. 7pm-7am, this will start the flowering stage and I've found this very effective with my plant.. I got my seeds out of bag and have no idea what they are but one of them at least has turned out pretty good, i only watered mine with a water and worm juice solution (worm stall drained from a worm farm) which is full of nutrients. The photos I've,put bellow were taken this morning before and,after a prune (I'm pretty harsh but it loves it!)


Well-Known Member
You need a heater on a timer when it comes to temps like this at night,so heater comes on just has lights go of but set it to come on half hour after lights go of and half hour before because room will stay warm for that time looking good though plenty of shoots = more buds nice tight nodes get em on flower dude.


Active Member
Dunno if my pictures uploaded.. Where about are you? I'm down in Sa so the temps aren't to low over night yet, hope it goes well for you


Well-Known Member
^ cant see pics. Im WA and your plants look great. I use canna flores too and pk 13/14 but not this early, use at days 30 and 37. they went into flower pretty quick


I'm up in the pacific northwest and ran some outdoor this past summer. Had some scares with the temps flirting with freezing, but turned out ok. So long as they don't freeze or frost, they should be fine.

A potential problem I see with covering your outdoor plants would be if you managed to miss a cover-on/cover-off time and stress the photo-period.

Cheers, though, looking good! I had a few OG18's last run and 1 turned out PHENOMENAL!