First Time Home Grower, with questions?


Well-Known Member
Hello fellow HOME GROWERS!

Like a lot of you this is my first grow, unlike some of you I have medical consent and proof, otherwise I wouldn't be caught dead using forums such as these. (no offense to the forum holder)

I ran into some old seeds (have know idea of what kind, or how high) I figured they would do for my first attempt (experiment) however I foolishly started my adventure immaturely, and without much knowledge, I was informed that I could start using regular house lights until I could scrape up enough money to get some fluorescent fixtures and bulbs, well it appears that I was misformed and the sprouts started stretching then started to limp, in other words they looked sick.

So I rushed and recycled a bunch of cans in hopes to save them. I bought some fixtures and bulbs but I'm afraid I may have purchased the wrong equipment. Lately I have been doing a bit of research and I found here and there that compact fluorescents are much better, however the sprouts are looking a lot better since I installed the fluorescents.

I am going to show pictures and ask questions, in hopes to receive some good advice, however I took these pictures with an old webcam so they aren't perfect. "Heck I can't afford to grow POT the right way, how am I going to afford a decent camera.lams" but they should be good enough for the expert.

First here are my specs,

Grow Space - Closet - Aprox. six feet by two feet wide.

Lighting Fixture - One standard shop light fixture with wide reflector (doesn't look very wide), 5inch plug in cord set, hanging chain kit - operates T8 & T12 4inch lamps.

Fluorescent Tubes - Residential light, count 2, light output 3150, 40 watts, life 15000, color temp 4100, will this lighting do until I can afford better? if so appox. how long do I have before more damage to the plants or death.

Fan - Small thermal controlled fan with heating element but I don't dare use the heat, right now I am keeping the lights and fan on 24/7 the temperature goes from just below eighty to just above ninety . will this be ok or is there something I should do different?

Ok here are the pictures and some more questions,

Is the lighting to close or not close enough? the light is aprox. 5inches from tops.

Is the lighting here to close or not close enough to the starts? the light is aprox. 3inches from the containers.

Is the fan that I'm using adequate, is it positioned in a decent place and should I continue to leave it on 24/7? I do occasionally open the door and leave it open in the day hours.

That's all the questions I have for now, any advice would be greatly appreciated.

215 Medical Marijuana Documentation.

Peace Out!


Well-Known Member
You can repair the limp ones by repotting it and bury it up to the leaves. I am using a 4 foot shop light with 2 40 watt flo's. You can grow all the way through with flo's but a hid is better. You can stick with what you got until you get more money. I am currently flowering with the flo;s too but i just bought a hps 150 watt. As soon as it gets here im gonna use it for flowering. I myself dont have much cash but i got it for 37.00 u.s.. The good ones 400 watts are like 300.00. Just make sure the flo's are within an inch away from the top. As close as you can get without them getting hot. Good luck


Well-Known Member

Wow thanks for the speedy response, nice looking plants you have there not bad for Fluorescents, are you serious I am able to bury the stretched plants, I've always thought if you covered the stem at this stage that it would die.

Again thanks!


Well-Known Member
I didn't plan on transplanting them for awhile or should I? got any suggestions on when a good time to transplant would be?



Well-Known Member
I didn't plan on transplanting them for awhile or should I? got any suggestions on when a good time to transplant would be?

Normally you would transplant when they start drinking a lot of water. In your case you just need to repot them in the same pot. You need to get the lights as close as possible too. Just put your hand between the light and plant. If your hand gets hot move it up a little. They stretch because they are trying to reach the light.:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the help so far, I lowered the lights and transplanted the three strecthed ones in one big pot, they appear to be doing well.

Here are a few pictures, again taken with old webcam, sure wish I had a better camera.

Again thanks for the help, if anybody else has any good tips for me I would be greatly appreciative.

Dr High

Well-Known Member
that looks more like it. id plan on buying either cfls of MH and maybe an HPS system soonish.


Well-Known Member
NO! Take the plants out of the 1 pot and transplant them to 16oz plastic cups with holes at the bottom for draining or something. The roots will get tangled as they grow and it will die and you will have wasted all of your time and money. Change them out.


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys for all the information, I added another fixture with two more fluorescent tubes four in all, gives it a little more spread and the sprouts/plants are looking healthy, I plan on adding a few CFL I see them at the stores all the time sometimes you can get two for one etc. but I was hoping this set up will be good enough until I can afford better lighting.

I have a few more questions,

1: What are HPS, are they expensive and can I find them at the local hardware store?

2: How long can I use the flo's before defecting growth/flowring?

3: Can I use cheap Miracle Grow throughout the growth of the plants and when should I start feeding them?

Concerning the three transplanted in one pot, I figured that it would be ok because of Biggs picture he has two in one pot and they look to be doing well, also I germinated a handful of old seeds, some are taking awhile to sprout as others less time, I'm running out of containers and room.

I'm hoping they will be ok until they are old enough to sex also I'm hoping to get at least three decent females, after I plan on putting all females in 2 and a half or three gallon buckets to encourage decent growth, I have plenty of vertical space just need to get some better lighting.

Thanks again guys!


Well-Known Member
1. High Pressure sodium, yes, yes but I wouldn't recommend it
2. Veg to the 5th node for an easy way to gauge when to flower.
3. could but you could nutrient burn your plants- more advisable to go with a premade nutrient solution until you get the hang of it. High Nitrogen lower phos and potassium for vegging - reverse for flowering

at seedlings go with more diluted solution of vegging


Well-Known Member
Normally you would transplant when they start drinking a lot of water. In your case you just need to repot them in the same pot. You need to get the lights as close as possible too. Just put your hand between the light and plant. If your hand gets hot move it up a little. They stretch because they are trying to reach the light.:bigjoint:
I didnt mean to plant them all in the same pot. I meant repot them in the pots they are already in. Bury them up to the leaves to help stretching.


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys, ok I just transplanted them they are all in their own containers, hope they will be ok second transplant and all.

Can you recommend something to feed them at this stage? I have been giving them straight water.


Dr High

Well-Known Member
Thanks guys, ok I just transplanted them they are all in their own containers, hope they will be ok second transplant and all.

Can you recommend something to feed them at this stage? I have been giving them straight water.

when the little round leaves fall(coltydeons) buy them some vegging (for growth) solution. like some 5-1-1 or something today i got some 3-6-1 from advanced nuitrients.


Well-Known Member
Thanks much appreciated will do after they fall, when I re transplanted the three one of them looks to be drying up, not looking to good, however the rest seem to be doing ok.

Although I'm using flo's and a large fan I am unable to keep the room temp under 80 it goes from 80 to 90 but never over 90, any recommendation as to where I should place the thermostat? right now I have it right under the light close to the starts, also is there inexpensive ways to cool down a room/closet?

See the third bottom left plant, she's starting to dry and shrivel up, I'm thinking I must of damaged the root some how during transplant as the others seem to be doing fine.

I think I'll keep it under the lights a little longer, to see if it starts to perk, if not I will be forced to dump it.


Well-Known Member
Well I'm glad I kept the one it looks like it's continuing to grow, however some of my plants are looking pretty funky, the lower leaves are turning yellow and drying, I understand that the two smallest and yellowiest leaves will naturally fall off soon, but some of the bottom water leafs I'm worried about, I have a few extra bucks for lighting, I'm thinking if I get some CLF that it would help my plants. what do you think?

I have about 15 plants growing and a few still hasn't popped yet, again I planted from seed so I have no idea on how many females I will end up with or what kind, but I'm hoping to get at least 6 females out of the 15 I have so far, I plan on transplanting them into 2 and a half to 3 gallon buckets in hopes that will encourage them to grow bigger (what would be a good time to transplant them?)

Right now I'm using two standard shop like fixtures and four residential fluorescent tubes 40 watt = 160, light output 3150 = 12600, color temp 4100 = 16400 and I've been hearing some about CLF that they are a lot better, however I'm still confused on what kinds, watts and what kind of fixtures, also what is a ballast and will I need it for these bulbs?

Could some one analyze my post and break down a reasonably cheap system for CLF lights and how much lighting would I need to sustain at least 6 plants?

Please take a look at the images bellow and give me your opinions if you think my plants have a chance, also the last two images I am wondering why the stem is turning purple?

The Purple Stem?

I found an old track light fitting and want to transform it into lighting but I don't know what kind or size light will work with it, the socket itself looks to fit all standard size bulbs, do you think I could put a CLF and what size? also how many plants you think I could get under it?

Please Advise!


Well-Known Member
Cfl's have a built in ballast. You could probably use that fixture but paint it flat white. The black will soak up the light too much. I think i read cfl's put out more light out of the sides. If that makes sense. Just try to get the highest watt cfl you can get with the right color temp for veg. They like cool white for veg and warm white for flower.