first time..... how am i doing?


just want to know how these plants are doing five weeks in??? they arnt mine they belong to some one else ;) the clones are three days old WTF?!?


Well-Known Member
No offense bro but lol at ur first pic, your clones look pretty bad =/ Give them some water and see if they perk up. Other than that, everything looks A-OK.

Maui Waui

Active Member
shit didnt relize those were fresh clones, if so id say they look over watered, what with the droopy leaves.


the clones are only three days old "the guy" has tried to clone befor and only got 2 out of 15..... the other ones were alot smaller so "he" tried to make them bigger this time.... what could be wrong with them.... over or under wattered... they r spayed twice aday?!?!