First time Hydro Closet


my only suggestion would be to trade in the snub nosed .357 for one with a 5 3/8" barrell. Would give you more accuracy and looks alot more scary. LOL j/k. Nice job on everything man! Looks amazing. Im sub'd!


New Member
Same gun comes with larger barrel. I chose the shorter one for home defense. Not much aiming involved when being used indoors. Besides, my accuracy is spot on. lol


Active Member
Sweet ass set up brah!!! Is it better to run the MH 24/0 vs. 18/6??? Just wondering in case I missed something.


New Member
Sweet ass set up brah!!! Is it better to run the MH 24/0 vs. 18/6??? Just wondering in case I missed something.
I was just trying to keep the plants shorter. 18/6 tends to create a taller plant from what I hear. Also, 24/0 gives me the ability to do maintenance whenever I choose.


Hey those three bottles in the center of your cabinet behind the cloning gell.... What are they and where can i get some?


New Member
Hey those three bottles in the center of your cabinet behind the cloning gell.... What are they and where can i get some?

Those are my nutrients (micro, grow, and bloom). Cutting Edge Solutions is the company, and I believe they are a local California based co.. But you might be able to get some on the net. Not sure.

They have an organic line that I plan to give a try next.
Yes as someone stated earlier, everything seems to be going perfect! Just because you don't hear from us, don't mean we're not here :) Good luck!


Active Member
I was just trying to keep the plants shorter. 18/6 tends to create a taller plant from what I hear. Also, 24/0 gives me the ability to do maintenance whenever I choose.
Makes sense because when the lights go out they start to search for light which causes them to stretch. I've done both the 24/0 and the 18/6 on seedlings and the ones under the 18/6 had far stretches between the nodes every time. Currently I'm doing the 24/0 to keep them shorter.


New Member
Makes sense because when the lights go out they start to search for light which causes them to stretch. I've done both the 24/0 and the 18/6 on seedlings and the ones under the 18/6 had far stretches between the nodes every time. Currently I'm doing the 24/0 to keep them shorter.
Lol. Yeh, I just switched to 12/12 and these things have stretched like 2-3 inchs in 2 days.

Update and pics coming soon.


New Member
A few updated pics of my DWC. Stem seems to be getting pretty strong, so I took its brace off.
(Not sure why three of the pics rotated, sorry.)

Havent really messed with my flowering side since I switched them to 12/12, but hopefully I will get in there tomorrow and snap a few pics.


New Member
Heres an update for all my silent

39 days from seed on lefty and 32 on righty. Both have been in flower cycle for 5 days now.

Im really happy with the deep water culture so far.

Darn rotated pics again.



Active Member
Damn Budling , The Plants look great:weed: . I was just curious if you ever trim any of your bottom foliage for air flow,top bud production etc. I have been experimenting with topping and training to make the plants bush out more but am still new to it so not alot of experience.
Keep up the great work still watching!:clap:


New Member
Thanx bud. :bigjoint:

I trimmed the largest plant at 30days old. It was looking far too bushy, so I trimmed the lower branches and cloned them. All depends on what you are try to achieve.