First Time Hydro - Having nutrient residue/watering issues.

My first ever post on RIU!!!
I have grown only once previously (last year, outdoors, no nutrients added aside from Sea Soil, no pruning done.) It was SO easy and I got several ounces from it!

This year, we have some space inside (and outside isnt an option) so I went out and got EVERYTHING:
4x4 tent
400w HPS/MH on 18/6
2 4x4" fans
oscil fan.
carbon filter
PH tester
5 X 5" pot DWC box 100Litre resevoir (about 85 litres full)
300 GPH drip pump/1GPH drip rings to all 5 pots.
Botanicare PBP AND "Liquid Karma"
5g Magnesium sulfate (epson salts) per gallon
Im using 3 Fem seeds and 2 bagseeds, all sprouted and have developed the 3 finger set of leaves. (Lemon skunk and Bubba Kush)

I thought everything was all fine until my first Nut. change (all the roots were nice and white when they first started poking out.)

Then I screwed it all up, I went to the "recommended" nutrients for an 85L resevoir INCLUDING the liquid karma (dark gloppy guano stuff) - Im SURE this was a mistake now, and have diluted it quite a bit (no TDS meter though)
PH looks fine (5.8-6), temperature in the air and resevoir is fine - 75 deg. RH around 50% consistently.

Now, Im getting a nasty brown film on my roots, it appears to be a residue, not root rot (i could be wrong) from my nutrients (im looking at YOU LK)

Question is; will this stuff hurt my roots? They haven't grown much in the past 2-3 days since I did this. I got some burn right away on one leaf, but it hasn't spread too much, just the extreme tips of some leaves have a touch.
I've heard of people using H2o2 to help with root rot issues, would this clean up the "oil spill" effect on my baby roots?? I dont have residue buildup on the resevoir walls, or "foamy" algae buildup anywhere (using all black lines)

At the time I swapped nutrients, I had left the resevoir water level about 1/2-1" INTO the cups, once I realized they were having this issue, I dropped it to an inch BELOW the pots (so some of the roots are suspended in mid air before touching the water, is this ok?? One more variable to mention - There is a VERY small amount of light filtering into the res; the lid is solid red, and has been covered with "foil" tape, there are a few tiny scratches in the foil where faint light can get through, would this cause an immediate brown slime (within hours??) I doubt it, looks much more like guano to me, and is removable by hand. I should ask, is it damaging to my roots for me to manually remove the filmy stuff?

One last question - I've read that a top feed drip system makes no sense to use in conjunction with a DWC box, should I just take that stuff out to uncomplicate things? or is there ANY benefit to feeding plants this way (logically I thought there would be but I dunno)

I am using Botanicare PBP products, but I have A.N. MGB stuff too - any sense in switching it up? (i noticed the AN is non-organic, and doesn't seem to have the oily 'residue' that botanicare has) Im only a couple weeks in, so maybe a change now would be better than doing so later...

Looking for any and all input contructive or otherwise - Just tell me my best bet for a nice productive 5 plant tent!!

Sorry for the newb questions and thanks in advance! (I have been looking for the answer to the "residue" question for a couple days until I just decided to register)
One more stupid thing I did that I should mention - Foliar fed a 1.5" tall plant. They look dull now and a few leaves are curling/clawing. I might have to re-do, F!
yeah, its all organic. You think it'd be ok? I will back off on everything for a week or so and see. haha I guess I was getting ahead of myself.