First time hydro, RDWC, torus hydro review


Built my own system, first time hydroponic, so I didn’t know what I was in for, I ended up buying perfectph micro, grow, bloom. It already keeps my ph perfect, but before i got it good to go, I got torus hydro, liked idea not having to worry about ph, well I buy product, says 3-4 shipping. It takes 1.5-2 weeks. Actually emailed them and asked what’s up. I purchased the 70Gal inline edition, with the big recharge solution. I get my torus hydro, attempt to follow instructions, and their just short, and don’t explain anything. Doesn’t mention GPH you wanna run threw it, 400,800,1200? It just left me with a shit ton of questions. Well I gave it a shot, did what it said. Put in water and it’ll bring ph down, and then after it’s down to 4 or so add ph up where u want it, and let it run while longer. I did this, and then moved it to the grow. Not expecting it to mess much up, it messed up. It was higher, and wouldn’t stay at 5.8 . Don’t have recharge solution either. I ordered product on oct. 17 and just got recharge solution bout 5-7 days ago Dec 10th I understand running outta stock, but should say out of stock, and shouldn’t take near 2 months considering the growing business and needing constant supply. There’s 3 month return policy, it’s almost been 3 and I just don’t wanna deal with it cause I won’t be able to legitally give a test. Torus hydros CS is not the best by any means. Takes awhile to get reply. But I did and he said the ion bag must’ve lost seal during processing. He offered to send a new sealed bag. I accepted. I appreciated it, but that took another month. So what I’m saying is, don’t rely on this at this time, bc they can’t produce enough product, or send it out reasonable time. So I’ve been trying to contact them for the last 2-3 weeks to tell them I’ll just take the refund bc 90 days almost up and I ain’t even got to use it. They still haven’t messaged back... I’d expect this outta a 20 bucks item or something, but this thing was like 300 bucks with solution. All it is is plastic inline filter with big canister, and the white ion pouch goes in the filter. For $220? Round there. Expensive stuff for what it is.. it’s nice big filter but still filter must be $150/ ion bag $70. Over-charging big time. Idk if he’s got patent why no one else doing this. I will, just needed to let people know this. But if u buy this product, you’ll experience what I have im sure. If not, then lucky u. I’d say there’s not many reviews on this product bc people buy it and return it I’d say. For the $, u can do more important. ESP using perfect ph. Also their 90 day return policy, doesn’t state much, it says to send it to this address and after they receive I’ll get refund but if package gets misplaced or lost then they don’t have to. I’d say he put that bc of all the returns. May be wrong, idk. Bad customer service for $300 product! Well that’s my review! As far as if the product really works. I couldn’t tell you.. Prob, but not for that $. The ion bag he sent me free month later just shows how cheap those are to make, right? Hopefully the ion beads aren’t a fortune or I’m wrong. Shld be $150 or lower for 75gal inline. It cost $80 for 2 refills, that’s filling the whole filter up(more wasted area I think) couldn’t you take bag out and put it in smaller cup and actually maybe get 4-5 refills? Can it be re-used what so ever or does it just lose whatever it does? A lot of questions, and only cause of how much $. Everybody gonna feel this way. If solution positively charges, couldn’t it still be positive whenever you’ve used it once, maybe get 2x? This been out since 2018, should have more info forsure. Got improvement with company, not product. That’s my issue. I’m done! Won’t rant again prob ever. Lol
Built my own system, first time hydroponic, so I didn’t know what I was in for, I ended up buying perfectph micro, grow, bloom. It already keeps my ph perfect, but before i got it good to go, I got torus hydro, liked idea not having to worry about ph, well I buy product, says 3-4 shipping. It takes 1.5-2 weeks. Actually emailed them and asked what’s up. I purchased the 70Gal inline edition, with the big recharge solution. I get my torus hydro, attempt to follow instructions, and their just short, and don’t explain anything. Doesn’t mention GPH you wanna run threw it, 400,800,1200? It just left me with a shit ton of questions. Well I gave it a shot, did what it said. Put in water and it’ll bring ph down, and then after it’s down to 4 or so add ph up where u want it, and let it run while longer. I did this, and then moved it to the grow. Not expecting it to mess much up, it messed up. It was higher, and wouldn’t stay at 5.8 . Don’t have recharge solution either. I ordered product on oct. 17 and just got recharge solution bout 5-7 days ago Dec 10th I understand running outta stock, but should say out of stock, and shouldn’t take near 2 months considering the growing business and needing constant supply. There’s 3 month return policy, it’s almost been 3 and I just don’t wanna deal with it cause I won’t be able to legitally give a test. Torus hydros CS is not the best by any means. Takes awhile to get reply. But I did and he said the ion bag must’ve lost seal during processing. He offered to send a new sealed bag. I accepted. I appreciated it, but that took another month. So what I’m saying is, don’t rely on this at this time, bc they can’t produce enough product, or send it out reasonable time. So I’ve been trying to contact them for the last 2-3 weeks to tell them I’ll just take the refund bc 90 days almost up and I ain’t even got to use it. They still haven’t messaged back... I’d expect this outta a 20 bucks item or something, but this thing was like 300 bucks with solution. All it is is plastic inline filter with big canister, and the white ion pouch goes in the filter. For $220? Round there. Expensive stuff for what it is.. it’s nice big filter but still filter must be $150/ ion bag $70. Over-charging big time. Idk if he’s got patent why no one else doing this. I will, just needed to let people know this. But if u buy this product, you’ll experience what I have im sure. If not, then lucky u. I’d say there’s not many reviews on this product bc people buy it and return it I’d say. For the $, u can do more important. ESP using perfect ph. Also their 90 day return policy, doesn’t state much, it says to send it to this address and after they receive I’ll get refund but if package gets misplaced or lost then they don’t have to. I’d say he put that bc of all the returns. May be wrong, idk. Bad customer service for $300 product! Well that’s my review! As far as if the product really works. I couldn’t tell you.. Prob, but not for that $. The ion bag he sent me free month later just shows how cheap those are to make, right? Hopefully the ion beads aren’t a fortune or I’m wrong. Shld be $150 or lower for 75gal inline. It cost $80 for 2 refills, that’s filling the whole filter up(more wasted area I think) couldn’t you take bag out and put it in smaller cup and actually maybe get 4-5 refills? Can it be re-used what so ever or does it just lose whatever it does? A lot of questions, and only cause of how much $. Everybody gonna feel this way. If solution positively charges, couldn’t it still be positive whenever you’ve used it once, maybe get 2x? This been out since 2018, should have more info forsure. Got improvement with company, not product. That’s my issue. I’m done! Won’t rant again prob ever. Lol
When I ran dwc, I would let the ph drift up from 5.5 to 6.2-6.3. It makes more nutes available through the ph ranges. Don't chase a perfect ph. You'll be disappointed. Besides I highly doubt in nature, that the ph in soil stays constant. Too many variables.
Built my own system, first time hydroponic, so I didn’t know what I was in for, I ended up buying perfectph micro, grow, bloom. It already keeps my ph perfect, but before i got it good to go, I got torus hydro, liked idea not having to worry about ph, well I buy product, says 3-4 shipping. It takes 1.5-2 weeks. Actually emailed them and asked what’s up. I purchased the 70Gal inline edition, with the big recharge solution. I get my torus hydro, attempt to follow instructions, and their just short, and don’t explain anything. Doesn’t mention GPH you wanna run threw it, 400,800,1200? It just left me with a shit ton of questions. Well I gave it a shot, did what it said. Put in water and it’ll bring ph down, and then after it’s down to 4 or so add ph up where u want it, and let it run while longer. I did this, and then moved it to the grow. Not expecting it to mess much up, it messed up. It was higher, and wouldn’t stay at 5.8 . Don’t have recharge solution either. I ordered product on oct. 17 and just got recharge solution bout 5-7 days ago Dec 10th I understand running outta stock, but should say out of stock, and shouldn’t take near 2 months considering the growing business and needing constant supply. There’s 3 month return policy, it’s almost been 3 and I just don’t wanna deal with it cause I won’t be able to legitally give a test. Torus hydros CS is not the best by any means. Takes awhile to get reply. But I did and he said the ion bag must’ve lost seal during processing. He offered to send a new sealed bag. I accepted. I appreciated it, but that took another month. So what I’m saying is, don’t rely on this at this time, bc they can’t produce enough product, or send it out reasonable time. So I’ve been trying to contact them for the last 2-3 weeks to tell them I’ll just take the refund bc 90 days almost up and I ain’t even got to use it. They still haven’t messaged back... I’d expect this outta a 20 bucks item or something, but this thing was like 300 bucks with solution. All it is is plastic inline filter with big canister, and the white ion pouch goes in the filter. For $220? Round there. Expensive stuff for what it is.. it’s nice big filter but still filter must be $150/ ion bag $70. Over-charging big time. Idk if he’s got patent why no one else doing this. I will, just needed to let people know this. But if u buy this product, you’ll experience what I have im sure. If not, then lucky u. I’d say there’s not many reviews on this product bc people buy it and return it I’d say. For the $, u can do more important. ESP using perfect ph. Also their 90 day return policy, doesn’t state much, it says to send it to this address and after they receive I’ll get refund but if package gets misplaced or lost then they don’t have to. I’d say he put that bc of all the returns. May be wrong, idk. Bad customer service for $300 product! Well that’s my review! As far as if the product really works. I couldn’t tell you.. Prob, but not for that $. The ion bag he sent me free month later just shows how cheap those are to make, right? Hopefully the ion beads aren’t a fortune or I’m wrong. Shld be $150 or lower for 75gal inline. It cost $80 for 2 refills, that’s filling the whole filter up(more wasted area I think) couldn’t you take bag out and put it in smaller cup and actually maybe get 4-5 refills? Can it be re-used what so ever or does it just lose whatever it does? A lot of questions, and only cause of how much $. Everybody gonna feel this way. If solution positively charges, couldn’t it still be positive whenever you’ve used it once, maybe get 2x? This been out since 2018, should have more info forsure. Got improvement with company, not product. That’s my issue. I’m done! Won’t rant again prob ever. Lol

Wall of text. Have you ever considered using spacing and comma? Very hard to read your text.

Thorus pH perfect is overpriced. It's just resin beads in a cylinder. I would rather use potassium silicate for cation exchange/pH buffer.
When I ran dwc, I would let the ph drift up from 5.5 to 6.2-6.3. It makes more nutes available through the ph ranges. Don't chase a perfect ph. You'll be disappointed. Besides I highly doubt in nature, that the ph in soil stays constant. Too many variables.
Yes I know that lower 5 is calcium magnesium and phosphorus while upper 5 is other nutrients, torus hydro states that the ph does drift, between 3-5 points up down. That’s another reason I got it.
Wall of text. Have you ever considered using spacing and comma? Very hard to read your text.

Thorus pH perfect is overpriced. It's just resin beads in a cylinder. I would rather use potassium silicate for cation exchange/pH buffer.
I have good spacing and plenty of commas. Lol if anything I was thinking I could’ve used less commas. Just a lot of info that needed to be typed.
When I ran dwc, I would let the ph drift up from 5.5 to 6.2-6.3. It makes more nutes available through the ph ranges. Don't chase a perfect ph. You'll be disappointed. Besides I highly doubt in nature, that the ph in soil stays constant. Too many variables.
Also I’m doing RDWC atm. What method u use now?
Yes I know that lower 5 is calcium magnesium and phosphorus while upper 5 is other nutrients, torus hydro states that the ph does drift, between 3-5 points up down. That’s another reason I got it.
Is that what you want? The drift from 5.5-6.3 isn't a bad thing.
Rdwc...I just generalize to dwc cuz it's basically the same thing. It's pretty much the same outcome at least. Lol
Yes it is, do you use a res? I started first 3 weeks no res, messed up a lot man.. didn’t really bad, but I thought they’d get colored but didn’t. Kept accidentally adding to much nutes. Wanted 250-300 and kept getting 5-6. I’m sure they locked them out for a period, but I use UC Roots, and Cal Mag with the 3 part perfect ph. I found that if I didn’t add Cal-Mag to my 0 ppm water along with my base nutes, that they wouldn’t grow a lot. Thought this 3 part was suppose to provide that. But they also say starting out with 100ppm water. So guess it needs little more. Or they’ll lock me out. Never got yellow though. Somehow. I had stinky ass water, some root rot, honest god don’t know how they never turned color. What base nutes u use?
Yes I want the fluctuation in ph 5.4-6.2. The ph perfect stuff keeps it a little to perfect sometimes.

Why would you want fluctuations? Rock stable pH takes the win when it comes quality and yield. You buy a "Thorus pH perfect" wheel but still want fluctuations?

You contradicting yourself. What do you really want?
Rdwc...I just generalize to dwc cuz it's basically the same thing. It's pretty much the same outcome at least. Lol
Keep in mind, there's many roads to the same goal. You'll hear a lot of conflicting info on here, but it doesn't mean that the info is right or wrong. It's what people have tried, and succeeded with. Some of that info may work for you, some may not. The
Yes I want the fluctuation in ph 5.4-6.2. The ph perfect stuff keeps it a little to perfect sometimes.
As far as the nutes go, that's not bad because eventually they'll lose the buffers and start to drift
Yes it is, do you use a res? I started first 3 weeks no res, messed up a lot man.. didn’t really bad, but I thought they’d get colored but didn’t. Kept accidentally adding to much nutes. Wanted 250-300 and kept getting 5-6. I’m sure they locked them out for a period, but I use UC Roots, and Cal Mag with the 3 part perfect ph. I found that if I didn’t add Cal-Mag to my 0 ppm water along with my base nutes, that they wouldn’t grow a lot. Thought this 3 part was suppose to provide that. But they also say starting out with 100ppm water. So guess it needs little more. Or they’ll lock me out. Never got yellow though. Somehow. I had stinky ass water, some root rot, honest god don’t know how they never turned color. What base nutes u use?
I was using the Lucas formula via gh flora micro and bloom. I've recently switched to jacks 321 and I'm really liking it. I was recently informed of something new in gonna try, can't remember the name of it off the top of my head.
Why would you want fluctuations? Rock stable pH takes the win when it comes quality and yield. You buy a "Thorus pH perfect" wheel but still want fluctuations?

You contradicting yourself. What do you really want?
Your damn straight I’m contradicting myself. Lol But I wouldn’t of had to if I had my torus hydro from the get go. It was the first I ordered, but realized immediately I needed something different. Was using fox farm, then decided didn’t want to use them, I chose advanced nutrients, and of coarse my first grow im choosing ph perfect. Now I have grow with phoerfect. But u say perfect rock stable ph takes the win for quality, I thought u wanted fluctuations to get diff nute intake? I know there’s a bunch of different facts and statements everywhere, but which 1 is truly the best ? Rock stable or fluctuation.
Why would you want fluctuations? Rock stable pH takes the win when it comes quality and yield. You buy a "Thorus pH perfect" wheel but still want fluctuations?

You contradicting yourself. What do you really want?
In dwc you want the fluctuation to make more nutes available.
Keep in mind, there's many roads to the same goal. You'll hear a lot of conflicting info on here, but it doesn't mean that the info is right or wrong. It's what people have tried, and succeeded with. Some of that info may work for you, some may not. The

As far as the nutes go, that's not bad because eventually they'll lose the buffers and start to drift

I was using the Lucas formula via gh flora micro and bloom. I've recently switched to jacks 321 and I'm really liking it. I was recently informed of something new in gonna try, can't remember the name of it off the top of my head.
I bought that 3 part system 14 months ago, and unfortunately couldn’t go threw with it, but still have them. Those were my original choice, but then advanced nutrients got my attention. I want the sensi bloom part A+B. But shits expensive, but some of the best. But the Lucas formula, my nutes state equal parts of each one. And Lucas would want 6grow 4 micro 2 bloom. I tried that my 3rd change, and had issues with cal-mag. And wondered what else they weren’t getting, that I should prob follow the bottle. I should’ve got GH. The 5 gallon bucket for 180 is some nice shit. I liked that price. But I heard better things with AN. 100 for 3 part gallon each. Not bad.
Your damn straight I’m contradicting myself. Lol But I wouldn’t of had to if I had my torus hydro from the get go. It was the first I ordered, but realized immediately I needed something different. Was using fox farm, then decided didn’t want to use them, I chose advanced nutrients, and of coarse my first grow im choosing ph perfect. Now I have grow with phoerfect. But u say perfect rock stable ph takes the win for quality, I thought u wanted fluctuations to get diff nute intake? I know there’s a bunch of different facts and statements everywhere, but which 1 is truly the best ? Rock stable or fluctuation.
Well... look to nature for the answer. Do you believe that the ph stays stable in outdoor soil in the wild?
I bought that 3 part system 14 months ago, and unfortunately couldn’t go threw with it, but still have them. Those were my original choice, but then advanced nutrients got my attention. I want the sensi bloom part A+B. But shits expensive, but some of the best. But the Lucas formula, my nutes state equal parts of each one. And Lucas would want 6grow 4 micro 2 bloom. I tried that my 3rd change, and had issues with cal-mag. And wondered what else they weren’t getting, that I should prob follow the bottle. I should’ve got GH. The 5 gallon bucket for 180 is some nice shit. I liked that price. But I heard better things with AN. 100 for 3 part gallon each. Not bad.
Lucas formula is 1 part micro, 2 parts bloom. No grow, no calmag. At least I've never needed calmag. I use ro water too btw. Jacks 321 is a good choice if you can weigh out grams. It's pretty versatile.
I've let mine fluctuate. If have to be home 24 hours a day, watching my ph for a change to correct it. Ime it definitely didn't hurt the plant or yield.
Ya I Like towards end ph does go down some. I hooked up a 32G brute res... now I didn’t want to do too off res, I just feel like recirculating all round would be better. Well dude nightmare. Water sensors going off every night. Pump taking water, one giving. My res was about 14” off ground. Thought I could get it. Have ball valve try to tame the gravity fed, going into my pump, going into controls module. My pump taking water to res I set it higher bc I had overflow on res. As long as res getting filled faster. But if the RDWC does, fucked. That’s exactly what happened, thank god I was 5 min from home. I had just got first inline filter, and it clogged up super fast, and that’s how that happened. Before inline filter I had nothing and water was so bad. Filter fixed that right up. I’ve had water leak more times then both hands. I wish I had just done the top off now. So now I said fuck the res, have 6 10G tote, 60G for 18-24 clone SOG , then 3 big 10G brute cans for 2 mommies SCROG, control bucket middle. No need for res. Just takes space and water. Useful for big operations. Small ones just a waste of nutes kinda.