First Time Hydrogrow (I will need help)


Active Member
:leaf:Hello Hello Hello Im Luke im new here i dont have any magic stories yet this is really just me introducing myself.......done.
Right ive been thinkin about growing for a long while but ive finnaly decided to get it started and im proberly gonna need abit of help. Ive done alot of reserch on hydroponics but im sure theres a few quite important bits i dnt knw. Im also quite new to the hole forum thing so bare with me if i take a while to get the thread up and running or if its not that interesting ill try my best!! Im goin to try and take as many pics as i can cos it will proberly make it abit more fun to read and anyone who can spot my mistakes can point them out for me :grin: Ive never done this before so any comments, criticism, do's, dont's, good or bad would be much appriciated. Ive Bought my equipment ordered my seeds so i should be good to go pretty soon..........Were im so new to this its taken me about 20minutes just to write it all, Nothing sounds like it does in you head when you read it back lol!! im gona have a spliff break and ill be back when im done thanks for listenin peaceee
Welcome to RIU!

I too am a newbie and have found this forum very helpful. You may want to give some details of your grow, ie type/strain of seeds, type of lights, type of hydro system, where are you going grow(closet, cabinet, room), do you need fans, fresh air, etc etc

Good luck!
Good to see ya here man. I have been growin in DWC for a few years anyways. Check out my grow my thread is by my signature if you have any questions don't hesitate to drop me a line and ask. IMO there is no stupid quesions everyone was a noobie once.

Welcome to RIU! This is the best place on the web to get your questions answered. For the most part everyone is willing to help. Good luck and Happy growing
Im Bakk!! very long spiff break u was thinkin ehh i spent yesterday traveling to the misus with my unbuilt grow room, complete with toolbox crammed into the back of a corsa. Lots of shit to deal with when i arrived she "dint knw it would be that bloody big!" or that i would be "using her house as a fucking drugs farm!!!".................kiss-assbit of that.................bongsmilieand 2 of them ............................. i was back on track 8) 8) 8)
Hopefully she dosent wake up and change her mind but it should all be going down in a corner in the front room back to the chroject i have a.....

- 400w hps lamp

- 5" extractor fan

- 5" carbon filter (i planned on connecting the filter directly onto the fan is this a good idea???) I could also only get hold of 4" ducting i have an adaptor that means it will fit the other side of the fan but unsure if it will make a big differance or not??help???:dunce:

- Im goin to buy a desk fan 2mro

- a 4 pot drip system just one from the shop cheap pump nothing fancy but it should do its job

- clay pellets for the pots, 1" and 4" cubes

- Reflective mylar stuff

- Nutrience, timers, ph tester and a heater for the water
i think thats all of it, its all in the front far far away, ill check 4 u soon enough......:eyesmoke::eyesmoke:

from that list is there anything im missing or that dosnt work together ???? i got abit excited when i went out to buy all the stuff so some of it mite not have even been needed:lol:

I plan on building a box to fit everything in but unsure how tall to make it as i dont knw how far i will have to keep the light from the plants when theyre at their tallest ill have to add that clearance height to however tall a ready to harvest plant is so i know the height to build the box..????.?? im not sure if that makes sense but its the best i can explain it to u in this state:joint::joint::joint: if anyone does get it help me out please.

My seeds arrived today i ordered
-Red Diesel (feminised)
-Blue Cheese (feminised)
-Honey B
-Northern Lights

I know the plants have differant flowering periods but i was planning on just harvesting the ones that are ready earlier when theyre ready and leaving the others to continue growing is that cool to do?? and aprt from the flowering times is there any problems with any of the strains growing together.(once again i am a high newb at 3 sumthin in the mornin forgive me if it sounds dumb) from that anyone got any comments or any help anything from anyone with any knowlage about anything hydro please let me know your views it allll helps thanks!!!not sure if theres anything more for now ill be bak soon enough gona start bulind 2mro ill try and get some pics up soon
:leaf:time now peaceeee
:cuss::cuss::cuss::cuss::cuss:ive just bloody written a hole page explaing my problem and what i had done why ive been away etc and the dumb laptop crashed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i realy cant b asked to type it all again so forgive me if i just sound like an arse who dosnt want to come across as a friendly geniue person who really would like to learn and understand whats goin on with my plants because i do im just still really pissed that what i wrote has gone..................long story short my seeds sprouted in the root riot i was away for 2 weeks had somone just watching over my plants i left them under an engerysaving bulb. i got back and they looked like this(photo252.jpg) dont watch the rAndom drippers and cubes laying about try and concertrate on the plants theyre weak and growing in all sorts of directions any idea why??? or how to fix this problem ive lowered the light since taking the pic but i still dnt knw how this will effect it im gona keep an eye on them but if anyone can c the problem please let me know i would really appriciate any coments as im just stuck the rest of the pic r of each plant but thats just it really there weak and scrawney what do i do?????????? theyre 3 weeks old nearly and they dnt look anything like some of the other plants on here i duno if im worriny for nothing but just help me if you can please..

you cant see it as well as i hoped in the pictures but its like the stems are horizontal with the leaves just facing the light.................once again helllppppp pleaseee


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They got streached because they wanted more light. When using one of those bulbs it must be within inches of the tops of the plants. you can try to brace them for now. Add a fan blowing on low and it will strengthen the stems. Read the FAQ at the top of the page. It will answer all your questions from start to finish.
Stretching is a light issue. I started the seedlings for my last grow under a 50w halogen lamp waiting for my stuff to arrive. By the time it finally did, a MONTH later, they were about 18 inches tall with only a couple of leaves, they were falling all over the place as if their own thc had gotten them ultra stoned. You can help them out by supporting them vertically with something like a bit of wire or very gently tie them to a pencil stuck in the media. Be careful of using anything to stake them up that might release nasty shit into the media when it's wet for a long time - plastic or wood is good. Also take care not to jab it through the roots, because there won't be many at this point. If they're allowed to lie horizontal and or constantly touching the media, there's a good chance they'll rot. Failing that, they might start trying to root sideways out of the stem and into the media. Once they're under a HID lamp that's a foot or so away, they'll start getting bulkier. As far as grows, you should have heard the reaction I got when an entire setup, complete with a big black tent, hoses, ducts and tank appeared in a room over the space of an hour, even to me it looked like a fucking space ship from 2001 had landed and dominated - someone had to immediately leave and go for a drive to calm down. Don't stress about hydro. It all sounds difficult at first but you'll be a pro in no time, just be patient, ask and (perhaps most importantly) read. -if you like my replies and use a HID lamp, pls let me know which brand your using in my bulb poll (see sig)-