Im Bakk!! very long spiff break u was thinkin ehh i spent yesterday traveling to the misus with my unbuilt grow room, complete with toolbox crammed into the back of a corsa. Lots of shit to deal with when i arrived she "dint knw it would be that bloody big!" or that i would be "using her house as a fucking drugs farm!!!".................kiss-assbit of that.................

and 2 of them ............................. i was back on track
Hopefully she dosent wake up and change her mind but it should all be going down in a corner in the front room back to the chroject i have a.....
- 400w hps lamp
- 5" extractor fan
- 5" carbon filter (i planned on connecting the filter directly onto the fan is this a good idea???) I could also only get hold of 4" ducting i have an adaptor that means it will fit the other side of the fan but unsure if it will make a big differance or not??help???
- Im goin to buy a desk fan 2mro
- a 4 pot drip system just one from the shop cheap pump nothing fancy but it should do its job
- clay pellets for the pots, 1" and 4" cubes
- Reflective mylar stuff
- Nutrience, timers, ph tester and a heater for the water
i think thats all of it, its all in the front far far away, ill check 4 u soon enough......

from that list is there anything im missing or that dosnt work together ???? i got abit excited when i went out to buy all the stuff so some of it mite not have even been needed
I plan on building a box to fit everything in but unsure how tall to make it as i dont knw how far i will have to keep the light from the plants when theyre at their tallest ill have to add that clearance height to however tall a ready to harvest plant is so i know the height to build the box..????.?? im not sure if that makes sense but its the best i can explain it to u in this state

if anyone does get it help me out please.
My seeds arrived today i ordered
-Red Diesel (feminised)
-Blue Cheese (feminised)
-Honey B
-Northern Lights
I know the plants have differant flowering periods but i was planning on just harvesting the ones that are ready earlier when theyre ready and leaving the others to continue growing is that cool to do?? and aprt from the flowering times is there any problems with any of the strains growing together.(once again i am a high newb at 3 sumthin in the mornin forgive me if it sounds dumb) from that anyone got any comments or any help anything from anyone with any knowlage about anything hydro please let me know your views it allll helps thanks!!!not sure if theres anything more for now ill be bak soon enough gona start bulind 2mro ill try and get some pics up soon

time now peaceeee