First time I tried a bong + my first self made custom bong


Well-Known Member
I am now so fucking embarrassed. And, Up in Smoke will be in my torrents list in about 30 seconds....

I've at least heard of it though!!! I know who Cheech & Chong are, like I'm not an alien or something. Or a child. I've seen Tommy Chong in loads of videos on Youtube, doing interviews about his life. I just never really came across the movie, I've never seen it in anyone's dvds or on tv or anything, and I just never actively searched it out until now. So thanks for the prompt :peace:

Oh, to the op, my favourite thing about being high is solving all the little mysteries of the universe, those moments of clarity and bursts of creativity, what's not to love? :bigjoint:
I've heard of it too. Seemed cool but I just haven't gotten round to it, don't listen to these goons trying to pressure you as if you'e some peasant because you haven't seen one movie.


Well-Known Member
I've heard of it too. Seemed cool but I just haven't gotten round to it, don't listen to these goons trying to pressure you as if you'e some peasant because you haven't seen one movie.

Us goons are advising you, not pressurizing you or any other member, blowing members for an alliance is still adolescent

stick to your warm beer, damp bedsit, cold fish supper, and sparkly weed ..if you know whats good lol


Well-Known Member
Horrible movie. Great novel, though. I read it about 6 times as a kid, second only to The Stand. Loved King, amazing storyteller. Now, go and watch those movies...
It is an awful film, so bad it's hilarious, but as a kid that had always found clowns unsettling and was terrified of porcelain dolls and ventriloquists dummies, it scared the shit out of me and I had nightmares for months. An American Werewolf in London had the same effect, nothing rational about what fucks up a kid's head! Most of the Stephen King movies are terrible but I had them all on vhs as a teenager, I loved them! Pet Sematary is the only book of his I remember reading though.
Seriously, I've only seen The Birds when I was off my face and that isn't the best way to judge a film, I really do need to watch it again. I do love Rear Window though. And I've got Up in Smoke lol, gonna watch it in a bit after we watch the new Game of Thrones.


Well-Known Member
I don't like birds. They're like dinosaurs in disguise. Pigeons are evil, but geese are the worst, they're the velociraptors I think.
LoL, you might not like me then, my spirit animal is a bird.

If you ever see a turkey trot/run, you will see a raptor. :-o classic jurrasic park imagery right there.

nothing rational about what fucks up a kid's head!
PeterPan's Captain Hook gave me a nightmare when I was like 4, still remember that one. And the part from trolls2 when they are eating the mothers guts. Major reoccuring nightmares as a kid. Bad horror movie though.


Well-Known Member

Us goons are advising you, not pressurizing you or any other member, blowing members for an alliance is still adolescent
stick to your warm beer, damp bedsit, cold fish supper, and sparkly weed ..if you know whats good lol
Nah I'm tired of the b.s some of the Old school members do and suck each others dicks harassing members constantly and when i troll they cry and call me names.
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