First Time Indoor Grow. How things look?


Well-Known Member
Hey @CannaCountry. Wondering what you might think about the last pics? I’m a little worried that I am doing something wrong?
Hey man I was having the same problem then I got aW-1000 grow light and placed them under it, boy they did a about face big difference just topped them 3 days ago 18/6 light schedule, temp stays between 74 and 78 degrees, humity 58 to 70% plenty of air movement on them. O I keep my lights at 20 inches above the tops... Hope this helps and using 20/20/20 Peters nutrients 1/2 tsp per gallon... B720548F-5D9E-4A01-A53A-5EF918C10C49.jpeg46191EB7-BF43-43B8-905F-423ECFEDD3BF.jpeg95F1C31C-EE96-45AE-B66D-417115CEEE0C.jpeg