First Time Indoor Grower (4000W Basement Setup)


Well-Known Member
There's a bunch of people on riu from sac. I was actually kinda surprised back when I first started posting to see so many but I guess I shouldnt be. After all sac has always been a big agriculture and farming community ever since its creation so it only makes sense that we got so many growers here, its our culture. The city of trees bro... there's not another place I'd rather call home. Sometimes I gotta get the fuck away from here but it always pulls me back. We got the best weather, weed, and women. Don't get much better if ya ask me.


Well-Known Member
I been here 28 years from seed to now n definatly wouldnt wanna be no were else.the only time I get away is ocean fishing. Lets see how many people chime in from sac! Oh n bro we need some pics lol. Update!


Well-Known Member
There's a bunch of people on riu from sac. I was actually kinda surprised back when I first started posting to see so many but I guess I shouldnt be. After all sac has always been a big agriculture and farming community ever since its creation so it only makes sense that we got so many growers here, its our culture. The city of trees bro... there's not another place I'd rather call home. Sometimes I gotta get the fuck away from here but it always pulls me back. We got the best weather, weed, and women. Don't get much better if ya ask me.
Have you ever been to southern Europe? The woman there are incredible, as too is the weather, I'll not question the quality of cannabis though :P


Well-Known Member
^^^ No i havent... i tend not to venture that far out of southern sacramento, let alone go to europe. But here are a few pics from the garden the other day. My bad its taken so long but im extremely lazy, as ive mentioned before. also included is a pic of the ladies i got outside getting ready to go into the ground this weekend. Let me know what you think.


Blue Dream:

Gods Gift:

whole room:


Also, I just got two bottles of colloidal silver and started spraying a blue dream female with it a few days ago. i will collect the female pollen from her in a month or so whenever its ready and will be pollinating some ladies outdoors. I will be crossing blue dream with everything i got which includes: banana kush, master bubba kush, gdp, juicy fruit, gods gift, and gsc. Cant wait to get some feminized seeds. Im really looking forward to seeing blue dream x gods gift which are my two favorites strains that i got. I will keep u all updated on this process as well.


Well-Known Member
Yo wat up wit some seeds bro! Lol how long those girls been outside? N the room lookin good man. That gdp x blue dream sounds pretty fuckn good bro. Hey I also put up a post on my grow. First 1000watt grow check it out its purple delight.


Well-Known Member
As soon as they're done ill shoot u some beans for sure bro... and anyone else that's close enough to come pick some up. And those bitches have been outside for about three weeks in a semi shaded area of the yard n I just moved em into direct sun where they will be planted about three days ago. Theyre all about two feet not countin the pots. I already stopped by ur log, lookin good bro should be a nice harvest. Nice even canopy too... got me a little envious that's mine is all out of wack. I did move all the blue dreams to one side tho so I got two seperate canopies kinda and they're pretty even. I might mono crop next run to make an even canopy easier to obtain, although I do love me some variety so I may not, we'll see. Thanks for stoppin by again, I appreciate the feedback.


Well-Known Member
You and me both... hands down my fav strain to grow and I'd say top 5 when it comes to smoking. Its smelling really good in there can't wait til its done. Only like another 5-6 weeks :wall:
I know man. I am dying to try out this Blue Dream x Agent Orange! I don't want to wait all summer! LOL


Well-Known Member
Oh god the agony outdoors is even worse! At least this indoors stuff is only 3 - 3 1/2 months start to finish so its bearable.


Well-Known Member
I just lst'd it to even out n yea im hopin for somethin decent. wit the stuff im usin im savin bread just dont wana have it bite me in the ass. But im sure itl come out dank. n the out doors look coo bro. Their guna get massive.


Well-Known Member
I'm sure it will be some dank... the profit margin is so high wit tree cus its relatively cheap to produce compared to how much its worth so its a win win. Whether u sell it or smoke it u will get much more than ur moneys worth. And ya I'm actually gonna be lst'ing my outdoor ones cus I wanna keep em below the fence which is only 6ft. The neighbor behind us is coo but I still don't wanna have em all over the fence for everyone else that goes to their house to see. But I'm gonna be doin like half of em blue dream n those r gonna get huge quick even with lst so hopefully ill be able to keep them under control.


Well-Known Member
I'm still here bro... I've been super busy with the outdoor I haven't got around to takin any pics. I should be done with all the outdoor stuff tomorrow if not for sure tuesday and ill throw some pics up of the indoor n outdoor on wednesday probably. Everything is going good tho starting to see a bunch of brown hairs on the gods gift and blue dreams. I'm guessing a month left on the gods gifts n 5-6 weeks on the blue dreams. And the gsc look like they still got at least 6 weeks but we'll see.


Well-Known Member
Good shit bro I got about 6 weeks too n the clones just rooted for the gurilla gro so ill be goin fishin soon lol
N the out doors taken off ima have to put em in rhe ground. Hella work to do too


Well-Known Member

Here's a closeup of a gods gift nug that i took two days ago and never got around to posting. ill be posting more in a couple days. but have fun on ur fishin trip, cant wait to hear how it goes...