First time indoor growing!


Strawberry,clean up? does the stuff that lays around effect it? :O I have cleaned it up now for a safety, thanks. treegoesmoo, gosh I'm blind... I see it. I will then get two more of them. I am thinking about 24/0 yes - maybe in a little whileI will put it down to 18/6. yes its Skunk 1 Sensi seeds and I have plantet two of them. I have now moved the light about 3 inches cloes to the plants and put a little fan on so it wont get burned or anything. Hope it will decrease the elongation of the stems!


Active Member
strawberrys right, gotta keep it clean. but yeah make sure you find some 5000-6500k cfls. and gl getting females after you start to flower


Active Member
I'm not against aluminium foil use here and there, but that will reflect heat as I learned from my homemade light reflectors. So just keep an eye one those temps. Also get the plants closer to that bulb to avoid over stretching.


IMG_1844.jpgIMG_1845.jpgIMG_1846.jpgIMG_1847.jpgIMG_1850.jpgIMG_1851.jpgIMG_1852.jpgMy babies are now 6 days old and as you can see the leaves have grown a bit. I have managed to get another CFL light and made a box myself where I have used some sort of quality alu foil which keeps straight and therefore doesn't create heat spots and burns the plants. As you can see I am still not done with it (I need to go and get some more of it). I have also made my fan more handy with a tube that blows fresh air towards the plants. I also do some stem training where I bend them over to make them stronger. The lights are about 2-3 inches away from the plans - too close or okay? I don't know if it's just me thinking too much, but it looks like (on pic 5-6) that the leaves is a bit yellow - should I be worried? I am thinking about repotting into a bigger pot in 2 days. What do you think?


DAY 7:View attachment 2689761View attachment 2689763View attachment 2689764View attachment 2689766View attachment 2689767View attachment 2689769View attachment 2689770View attachment 2689771As you can see I have chosen to repot both plants into bigger pots with better aeration. There's also lecanuts in it to help the air circulate. Then I have finished my indoor growing box. I have also chosen to plant one of them outside and let the "nature" do its thing. It's summer where I live with about 20-25 degrees celsius during day and 10-15 degrees celsius during night. Does it sound okay?


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  • Day 23. for the two biggest plants. I am a bit worried that the plant in the middle on pic 2 and the plant on pic 1 is in bad shape. Is it normal that the leaves are like that? It's like there isn't room enough to all the leaves that's sprouting on the plant on pic 1 so they are getting curly and stuff. I have some nutes (5-1-4) but I don't know reallywhen to use it and how much.​
