First time indoor growing!



  • Hi everyone,
    This is my first time growing and I'm kind of nervous all the time
    What I'm afraid of is: 1: the light is either too close or too far away from the plants. 2: That the setup isn't okay in some way 3: That the the plants need more or less water.
    I noticed that one of the plants two leaves is growing downwards and isn't stretched out. Overall question: Does it look alright? Btw - it's Sensi seeds skunk #1. I am giving them 24/24 light. There is only two plants.
    Here's the pictures so far!!! DAY 3!!!:​



Thanks for the reply. Yeah, I will. But does the setup with light look okay? Do you think it can work during veg and flowering stage? Haha, I know I'm a bit overdramatic probably..


Well-Known Member
She barely needs any light right now. Don't get too close until you have some true leaves. You don't want to burn the cots.

Pot looks big. I'd put in solo cup with holes at the bottom. Hard to water correctly in a large pot when they are tiny.

Your soil needs perlite.


Oka, I'll put the light more away for a while then! I don't know what perlite is, where can you buy it? I'm from Denmark so I dont know the english terms that well.
Oka, I'll put the light more away for a while then! I don't know what perlite is, where can you buy it? I'm from Denmark so I dont know the english terms that well.
I always start seedlings with CFL's about 4-6" from the party cups...check out day 1 in my grow journal, you will see that. And always use a 60/40 ratio Soil/Pearlite, creates good aeration (Air to the roots/soil/water)


Hmm. Alright, thanks JD, Vegakush, is it possible to get the perlite into the pot now or is it too late? If no, how would I do it? Maybe I can wait until I transplant them and then mix it up in the new pot?


IMG_1813.jpgIMG_1814.jpgIMG_1815.jpgIMG_1817.jpgIMG_1818.jpgIMG_1820.jpgIMG_1822.jpgWell, it grows in height, but the leaves is not stretching out,they are bent over which I think isn't a good sign. As you see I have bought two new bigger and better pots with holes in the bottom. When I transplantI will mix the soil with perlite. As you can see on picture 4 and 5 the pots that I am using right now are very small - maybe too small? The height of the plants are now as high as the stems...
You should get !!Plant Food!! not Suplemant .... as long as you got N-P-K you should be good (I love High N Plant Food Mix)
whatever you do, don't put them all in one pot. They will be root bound extremely quick and probably die pretty fast. Move them to separate pots, at least one gallon, then move up to your final 3+ gallon pots around week 3-4.


Active Member
They may flop over but that's cool just go get you some pipe cleaners from staples I like those and prop them up


IMG_1828.jpgIMG_1829.jpgIMG_1830.jpgIMG_1831.jpgIMG_1832.jpgIMG_1833.jpgIMG_1835.jpgAlright guys, thanks for the advice!! Appreciate it! Here's the pics for day 5. Mad a few changes. I'll get some pipe cleaners! As you can see I have moved the light a bit closer now. Then I have my fan about 1 meter away, I am thinking about moving it closer, it cant hurt right? The more wind the stronger they get I guess. (of course not a freakin storm) I am not sure if I should use my nutrients 5-1-4 yet. Should I just follow the instructions on the box of the nutrients?


IMG_1836.jpgIMG_1837.jpgIMG_1838.jpgIMG_1840.jpgAlright I have made some major changes. I have used some alu foil. As you see on pic 4 I have a lid/cover for the box as well which I will cover with alu foil as well and make some holes for the lamp and then I will buy a fan. Hope it looks okay. What do you think?


Well-Known Member
No nutes for a while. wait till there are a couple sets of leaves and then start very lightly with nutes. If you can, get some nutes growers use. I rec Dyna-Gro but that is just me.

A light breeze is fine. You don't want wind to knock them down.

Get a reflector on the light. You are losing alot. Also better if bulb is sideways.

Yoy do not need larger pots yet and do not put two plants in one pot.

Also, and we all make this mistake, .....relax and try to focus on understanding and listening to the plant. When she needs nutes, she'll tell you. Right now the stretching is her telling you "more light please".

When it is time to repot, I use a mix of cheap (no added nutes) potting soil, peat moss, Perlite and vermiculite and then add 2T/ gal of lime. Works great! I get them all from local hardware store. Plain perlite is sometimes harder to find but garden shop ought to have it.


GrowinDad, THANKS! Yeah, I think I need to calm down a bit... Doesn't the alu foil work fine as a reflector? Hmmm, it might be difficult to get the bulb sideways, as you see it is not stuck to anything but basically just held tight by a wire.. I gotta think about how to do that. I have bought some 5-1-4 nutes. Good info on the repot - I'll defo use that advice!


Well-Known Member
Not what is escaping from the top. Plys foil doesn't reflect great and peeps say it causes hot spots. I have never used it. I use reflectix. But you can go to walmart and get mylar for a couple bucks in the camping section (emergency blankets).

Get a Y to turn that one bulb into two. plus it will angle them a bit. as stated, you want6500k (bright daylight).