First time indoor growing!


Well-Known Member
On the nutes, if you buy a popular weed brand, it will provide you a feeding chart of what to feed when which comes in really handy for newbies.


GrowinDad, Alright I willbuy some mylar!
  • """"Get a Y to turn that one bulb into two. plus it will angle them a bit. as stated, you want6500k (bright daylight)."""" - I don't understand, a Y? Turn the bulb ino two? This light has about 2300 k - If I get two more of these it should be finde right?​



Well-Known Member
Y adapter pic:


You are misreading your bulbs. The K means the light spectrum, not somethig you add for power. 6500K lights are "bright daylight", teh actual wattage is the amount of power. Look at teh different K on soft white vs bright white, regardless of the wattage.


I think it is very complicated. What I have in my setup now is the 110W CFL 2700K. View attachment 2686645 Looks like the first picture. Then I have 2 ekstra bulbs that I haven't used in mysetup yet - one 110W CFL 2700K and one 55W CFL 2800K. They look like this: IMG_1841.jpgIMG_1842.jpg. That's what I've got - What should I do to make it work?
View attachment 2686501View attachment 2686502View attachment 2686503View attachment 2686504Alright I have made some major changes. I have used some alu foil. As you see on pic 4 I have a lid/cover for the box as well which I will cover with alu foil as well and make some holes for the lamp and then I will buy a fan. Hope it looks okay. What do you think?

#1 Never use Ceramic or Heavy pots, the best way to tell when they need water is to lift your pots, hence you do not want some heavy ass 10lb pot.

#2 Never plant 2 in the same pot, not only will they rootbound more quickly, if one is male/hermie and the other isnt, you will lose both. (the root systems are together)

#3 You can always add pearlite when you get rid of those damn ceramic/clay pots...and go into 3-5 gallon buckets remember 60/40 ratio Soil/Pearlite

#4 You would be amazed at how many people think they know what they are doing with nuts, and ruin there plants. PH is 100% THE MOST IMPORTANT THING NEXT TO LIGHT.
Make sure it is at 6.0 EVEN. Also make sure you leave your water sit out over night if you are using tap. Chlorine is VICIOUS. Check your PH levels
EVERY TIME you water.
Just because it was 6.0 3 hours ago, does not mean it is now.

#5 Your seedlings look like they are screaming to get out of that soil, you always want to start in red party cups, plastic. Then move to there final resting place/pot.

#6 A slight breeze on your plants will strengthen the stems, yes. But that does not matter if your plants are top heavy. To avoid this, LST as much as possible.

#7 Aluminum foil will burn your plants. Flat white paint, or Mylar/poly. There is not substitute for what they do. It is not very expensive to mylar a small grow.

#8 I like to put about a inch of Rocks/Dro Pellets/or some other medium in the bottom of pot to Assist with aeration. (Tip I learned from a 70's grower)

#9 The Y for your CFL Bulb is a +. Home Depot has them as well as many choices of 6500temp lights. I would suggest investing $100 in a 150-250w HPS. Makes a HUGE difference

#10 It is all about trial and error. No matter what ANYONE says, you will learn the most from yourself and watching them grow. I have known numerous caregivers and professional growers who all give me input on how to do this or that, and the advice is phenomenal, however one must learn from themselves to be the jedi master. You can be given all the advice in the world, but it is up to you to imply the advice that people give you and learn from mistakes that you make because there will be many.

Hope this helps

**Also***: NEVER follow a feeding chart from a nutrient producer. THEY HAVE NO FUCKING CLUE AS TO WHAT YOUR GROWING, WHAT STRAIN ETC. Always start at about 1/2 of what the product suggests or even 1/3 and see how the babies react. ALL WILL REACT DIFFERENT to what you are giving them so it is crucial to find that even medium.


Thanks for the list of advice, VegaKus702. I will repot to bigger and better pots soon! How do you test the PH levels in the soil? Damn, I am really not into this stuff, it's real science. I will buy some mylar tomorrow and change the setup. When the plant gets into flowering stage I think it will be too big for staying in the box - would it be alright to just use lights for that and throw the box away? So I should get the 6500k lights I guess. Haven't got money for any bigger lamps right now... THANKS FOR THE HELP AGAIN!!


Active Member
Thought these two charts would help :mrgreen: , I personally try to use water around 6.2 - 6.5 give or take a little if I get lazy and its "close enough" :lol:. Also I get around the chlorine by using a Pur 3 stage filter and leaving the water out over night in a slightly warmer area ("helps evaporate any chlorine" I have been told ??)

The best way is to buy a pH tester, some pH up and down (in powder form, a little goes a long way ;-)), and also get the right "test solution" so you can calibrate your pH pen properly. Got all my stuff from amazon for under 60$ shipped to my door. 'EcoTestr pH 2' is the name I think. 'General Hydroponics (GH)' makes a good pH up and down (powder form) and also an inexpensive calibration solution (7.0 pH 8oz bottle).

The first pic is for growing with soil only, the other one has both listed. Happy growing :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Agreed on feeding charts. I ease my plants up to their doses.

You do not need larger pots yet. Ceramic will work but won't work if you use the weight to judge when it is time for water. Personally, i have found watering every third day works. But if they in too large a pot, that won't work because there is more water in the soil than needed.

Also agreed on PH. I go to 6.5. I also have a pur filter attached to my kitchen faucet. Those kind filter more out than the standard brita style pitcher. Plus easier to stick a gal jug under the faucet then keep refilling the pitcher.

CFL are tough in flower. Plants get big, tops grow uneven, and it is hard to keep them surrounded by close light. They will outgrow that box for sure. But you have some time to figure that out. Read up :-)


Well-Known Member
Look up all of jorge cervantes vids on youtube. If you have money, spend it at a hydroshop and enjoy ease of use and growth.


View attachment 2688082View attachment 2688083View attachment 2688084View attachment 2688085View attachment 2688086View attachment 2688087View attachment 2688088My babies are now 6 days old and as you can see the leaves have grown a bit. I have managed to get another CFL light and made a box myself where I have used some sort of quality alu foil which keeps straight and therefore doesn't create heat spots and burns the plants. As you can see I am still not done with it (I need to go and get some more of it). I have also made my fan more handy with a tube that blows fresh air towards the plants. I also do some stem training where I bend them over to make them stronger. The lights are about 2-3 inches away from the plans - too close or okay? I don't know if it's just me thinking too much, but it looks like (on pic 5-6) that the leaves is a bit yellow - should I be worried? I am thinking about repotting into a bigger pot in 2 days. What do you think? Thanks for the advice GrowinDad, I also water every 3 day from now on.


Well-Known Member
They look fine. I am not sure what traniing you are doing and that PVC fan blower gave me a laugh ;-) Having a breeze on them ought to make them strong. If you are talking about LST, you are way early.


Ha ha, I know - had to be a bit creative there. Lol. I think i'll try to let them grow for some time without interacting all the time! Btw. I will grow an outdoor skunk as well which I will post pics of as well here!


Active Member
Get that light as close as possible, take the back of your hand and put it under the light in 'Q'. slowly move it closer and farther from the light, when you don't feel any warmth on your hand you are in the 'butter zone'. Haven't grown with CFLs in years just trying to remember how far the light was is hard... Also I remember using 'Chop Sticks' to help the stretching stems, ended up getting a lot of them free (nice metal ones too, but wood should work just the same). Just give them something to lean up on if they start falling over from too much stretch and not enough stem :mrgreen:.

They don't seem overly yellow to me, just young with a low light grow ;-) . They should perk up (or look better... they are doing great IMO) when the roots take hold


Azhden, thanks, yeah have found the butter zone I think. Thanks for the advice and it feels nice that someone else think it looks good!!!! I think I will use some chop sticks for the stems!!


Updates DAY 7IMG_1853.jpgIMG_1854.jpgIMG_1855.jpgIMG_1856.jpgIMG_1857.jpgIMG_1858.jpgIMG_1859.jpgIMG_1860.jpgAs you can see I have chosen to repot both plants into bigger pots with better aeration. There's also lecanuts in it to help the air circulate. Then I have finished my indoor growing box. I have also chosen to plant one of them outside and let the "nature" do its thing. It's summer where I live with about 20-25 degrees celsius during day and 10-15 degrees celsius during night. Does it sound okay?


IMG_1974.jpgIMG_1975.jpgIMG_1976.jpgIMG_1977.jpgIMG_1978.jpgIMG_1979.jpgA little update Day 17. I have moved them outside and they are doing much better now. I have also planted another seedling which you can see on the last couple of pics.


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  • Day 23. for the two biggest plants. I am a bit worried that the plant in the middle on pic 2 and the plant on pic 1 is in bad shape. Is it normal that the leaves are like that? It's like there isn't room enough to all the leaves that's sprouting on the plant on pic 1 so they are getting curly and stuff. I have some nutes (5-1-4) but I don't know reallywhen to use it and how much.​
