first time lsd user questions ?


Well-Known Member
I wish that I was in the position to decide between using LSD and shrooms. The only thing that I have around are shrooms. Darn it!


Well-Known Member
I wish that I was in the position to decide between using LSD and shrooms. The only thing that I have around are shrooms. Darn it!
lol when i first seen this thread.. my 1st ? was gonna be where the fuck is L? the only time i can get it where im at now is at shows, when i lived by philly... so easy to find


Well-Known Member
The only/best thing to do nowadays is to make it, or grow em yourself. Shrooms happen to be the most reasonable, and cost effective thing to do.


Well-Known Member
lol its kinda nice not everyone knows how easy it is to grow shrooms, that way when i have em its like a big thing for all my friends haha... almost like an event... grab the guitars and some herbs, i got mushrooms!


Well-Known Member
Update. About me of course. Had one of the most. I don't know. I guess spiritual and euphoric trips of my life today. F'ing great and long. I didn't do anything that I planned on doing. It was really great. Now, I hate myself. Why? Bc I'm kinda, content. Weird.


Well-Known Member
Many many years ago I was given a cap of acid (little superman pic on), I had no idea what it was or what it did. Lets just say that night formed the basis for the person I would become and the experiences that would wait in life.
You are not a true human aware of your full potential until you have done LSD.


Well-Known Member
Update. About me of course. Had one of the most. I don't know. I guess spiritual and euphoric trips of my life today. F'ing great and long. I didn't do anything that I planned on doing. It was really great. Now, I hate myself. Why? Bc I'm kinda, content. Weird.
lol, must by why i hardly ever do shit anymore. I don't personaly know any person with a stash more varied and stocked than me... I reccon I could keep a hundred people going for a weekend on my stash, kinda sad realy


Active Member
I think I've only ever gotten real LSD a couple of times. Those were the most profound trips I have ever had. They opened me up a lot, allowed me to see things from many different perspectives. Since then my paper trips have been oddly confusing. For that reason I think my area is infested with DOx blotters and various other RC's on paper.

Lucy made my brain feel like a supercomputer. I was capable of processing mass amounts of information in the form of thoughts in a manner I never had before. These other trips were just trippy with no real profoundness... More of a "WOAHHHHH loook at that tree's face brooooo." and less of the "HOLY SHIT I GET IT".

I do hope lucy graces me with her presence soon, I could use her guidance.

Slody b

Acid or shrooms, easy chair, Pink Floyd, something shiny and something that glows in the dark, low stress and as shr88 said remind yourself your tripping when you think too much.
I just recently took acid a few nights ago, I had a great time and a very good trip the only thing i would reccomend would be taking the tab earlier in the day because from my experience i took my tab at around 8 pm started tripping around 10 pm and it lasted until 6 am. Now the reason I reccomend taking this during the day would be so you dont mess up your sleeping schedule because I couldnt sleep if my life depended on it and I felt horrible the next day. Also being outside is an even better setting to trip in my opinion, when I was inside i felt trapped but as soon as i stepped outside it was like a completely different experience and it was much more enjoyable. Be safe


Well-Known Member
I just recently took acid a few nights ago, I had a great time and a very good trip the only thing i would reccomend would be taking the tab earlier in the day because from my experience i took my tab at around 8 pm started tripping around 10 pm and it lasted until 6 am. Now the reason I reccomend taking this during the day would be so you dont mess up your sleeping schedule because I couldnt sleep if my life depended on it and I felt horrible the next day. Also being outside is an even better setting to trip in my opinion, when I was inside i felt trapped but as soon as i stepped outside it was like a completely different experience and it was much more enjoyable. Be safe
2 hours to kick in and feel like horrible the next day? Doesn't sound like Lucy. :(