First Time Micro CFL Grow, 3 weeks old


Hey everyone this is my first grow. All 3 sprouted about 3 weeks ago and they are now almost 1 week into flowering. I am using 3X42 2700k, 1 X42 6700k and 1 X30 66700k. They are looking pretty good so far, well i think so at least. I'm having a problem telling the sex of the plants tho. I know females have white hairs and males have sacs but i am not seeing either yet. Other than that, what do yall think?028.jpg036.jpg035.jpg034.jpg033.jpg032.jpg031.jpg030.jpg029.jpg027.jpg031.jpg



Also should i be topping it or tying it down to increase yield? This is my first grow so I dont know what to do exactly, so any suggestions are welcome.


Little update. Still cannot determine the sex of the plants :/ but growth is coming along nicely. Hopefully i can tell the gender after the weekend. I sprouted another plant which im going to do 12/12 from day 1. Everything seems good so far. Feel free to leave any comments or advice :)

Sorry the pictures are a little blurry btw, ill try to make em better next time i post



Active Member
Hey man

First I'm gonna say I'm in no way a pro I'm only on my second (see sig if you wanna check it out)

They look healthy so your doing good - have you used any nutes - about topping you should have done a bit wile they was vegging you can now but should realy soon you want to prevent them from being stressed in flower- I personally let my girls veg longer then 3 Weeks but what you did is good - havnt done a from start 12/12

I'm currently in the process of growing moms and a couple autos to hold me over wile waiting on moms to be able to get a good amount of clones from


Well-Known Member
they look fine, dont worry about sex not showing yet. if a plant is not sexually mature(having preflowers and alternating nodes is a sign of this) when put into flowering it can take a while for them to force mature and begin flowering. watching for alternating nodes is what i usually do. when you start to see those you should see preflowers forming or within a few days for sure.


Thanks for the tips you guys! Looks like i got 2 females already and the last one is showing some signs but i cant tell yet. And pedro i have not used any nutes, im kinda scared that im going to mess em up. Ill update later today with pics when the lights come on.


11th day of flowering, everything is looking pretty good still. Looks like 2 females and 1 uknown, but the unkown is showing signs of female. The two females have tiny white hair coming out of everywhere from the plant. My seedling wasnt doing too well and i ended up buying a clone for 10 bucks. Its a bubba kush and so far ive only had it for one day but it is looking pretty good. I am hoping to take clones from the bubba kush once its a little older but i was wondering how it will be until i am able to take clones? Anyways heres some pics,



Also pedro i am using miracle grow, but i am not sure if i am gonna use nutes yet. How import do you think they are?


Active Member
Useing mg you don't realy need nutes it is packed full

As for clones
Should keep it in veg then when it gets side branches or big tops you can clone


Active Member
No prob man

If you need any help or you have questions don't be afraid to ask me I mean I'm not a pro but I'm always reading and have the knowledge I'm just working on the personal exp part of things - also if you want drop by my grow [sig] and check it out it's not much but it's my second ever indoor grow indoor is a lot harder than outside


Good and bad news. Good news is all of my plants are developing white hairs! Bad news is one of them has rust spots on a set of bottom fan leaves : /. Does anyone know what causes this? All pics below are of the plant w/ rust spots.



Active Member
-Yellowing of lower leaves progressing upwards with severity -Interveinal yellowing -Rust brown patches on leaf margins, tips and between veins

Hey I was looking on a site and this is a good discription if this seems to be your symptoms then you have magnesium def

If you want I can send you the link for the page and you can see the pics


I did a little research myself and found out the same pedro. A link would be awesome too. I read that epsom salt can be used to treat this, does anyone have any expierence with that? Are there any other cheap ways to deal with this/how necesscary is it for me to treat this problem?


Active Member
It's kinda important

You can use Epsom salt but like 1 tsp well mixed into top inch or so then water feed realy tho idk if you should use that much hold on ima go read this thingy I found I'll see whatnot says


Active Member
This is all it said

Solution: It is very important to maintain a proper pH in order to avoid a magnesium deficiency. Adding more magnesium to a system when there is a pH lock-out will only make the situation worse because the plant will not be able to absorb any magnesium until the pH has been corrected. Flush the system with properly pH'ed water that contains a full set of proper nutrients and see if the new growth starts looking healthier.

Hope this helps and here is the link


I gave the plant some more time to see if it would fix it self, and it did not. luckily there has been no spreading of the growth. Im going to water my plants later tonight, with epsom salt in it for the plant that has the rust spots. Other than that update W/ pics later today, and boy are they looking good!


This weekend has been a bit problemmatic... A light fell and broke which also tore part of a leaf :/. Of course it was a 2700k bulb which i had to replace with a 6700k... Also one of the 3 flowering plants has black specks all over one of it lower soon-to-be nugs. I am thinking its mites or something but i dont know how to tell. It seems like overnight the black dots got there, does anyone know what this might be? I was thinking i should cut off this branch but i have no expierence with this so i am not sure what to do. I will update later with pics.