first time... mini yellow spots?


the temps are constant between 72-79 with humidity at an average of 30-45% ... the 1 leaf i cut today, had the spots on it when they gave it to me, spots didnt get worse and didnt appear on any of the new leaves... here take a look pics i just took.. oh and im using a 75w hps for veg box and i have a 400w hps for the flower box..


next feeding im just gonna give it ph water to balance out my soil as it was a little low after last feeding... although the plant seems to look fine.. cept for those little scratches if you can see what i mean, my camera kinda sucks :/


Well-Known Member
Your getting good strong growth. Do what you said get your ph in line and move on. One thing is for sure that plant in one crazy looking lady:bigjoint:


thanks man! its my first time so im really asking my questions 2 or 3 times to really try and learn as quick as possible and as much as possible... its feeding time tomorrow so what ive decided to do is skip on the nutes, and just feed it some ph water along with some calmag (going to pick it up tomorrow)... im not sure how much to add to it though, im guessing just follow the instructions that come with it?
not OK, somethings bugging that plant...looks like your stem might be a little buried. remove dirt from the base till you hit root z.


so i went ahead balls deep and dug around my stem till i started seeing some roots, left it like that...i noticed the plant was moving more as a whole once i did that instead of just certain branches... fed it this morning not with ph water, but with nutes again this time the run-off water was a little higher in ph (around 5.8 ) but not as high as id like it to be... any suggestions?? plant still not showing any signs of burn or lack of something so i must be doing something right?

thanks for the help!IMG-20120103-00064.jpgIMG-20120105-00065.jpgIMG-20120105-00066.jpgIMG-20120105-00067.jpgIMG-20120105-00069.jpg


Well-Known Member
How old is the plant? What exactly is unburying the stem supposed to do? that seemed a little weird

The plant looks pretty good overall, good tight internodes, what did you see goblinfarmer that called for digging up the stem?


its a clone i got and it was cut off the mother a month ago... came to me as only a long stem and 2 set of leaves... with yellow spots on them...


im definitely going to have to switch it to my flower box soon as its almost got no room (leaftips are about an inch from the walls) in my veg box... its just the little tiny lighter green scratches on some leafs that are not getting worse or better, only thing thats (maybe?) wrong with my plant.. i think the runoff ph being kind of low (5.8 ) might be the cause of that... or maybe the lack of room?


New Member
HMMM. I skipped a couple of posts beause I wanted too see what she was like recently. I did not see if you had mentioned what the soil mix is? Kinda looks like backyard dirt. The ph is definately too low. Too raise it cheaply use some baking soda in the water a little at a time until it gets to 6.8 - 7 Also whatever is in the soil, there is not enough perlite. Roots need room to get oxygen and with no room to move they will clump together and rot. Oh and BTW cover the root ball roots do NOT need light at any time. Need to know what nutes you are using, how often, and at what doses.


Well-Known Member
Yea that soil does look pretty muddy, is there anything he can do at this point? could he take the rootball out give it a good shake and remove most of the dirt and then repot into a different mix? probably would shock the hell out of the roots but it might be better in the long run? What do you think BKB?


New Member
Yea that soil does look pretty muddy, is there anything he can do at this point? could he take the rootball out give it a good shake and remove most of the dirt and then repot into a different mix? probably would shock the hell out of the roots but it might be better in the long run? What do you think BKB?
Actually he could do that and yes it would shock the shit out of the roots. To OP: suggestion if you attempt to do this, take the plant and a bucket of room temp ph'd water into a dark room and gently dip the lower half of the root ball to remove the excess soil off then gently shake to remove the rest, and have her new home ready to gently place her back into. Don't expect her to jump right back into veg. She will be shocked and could take a few days or even a week or so to see some new growth.


Well-Known Member
There is no need to dig out the stem leave the roots burried? unless you moving the plant or transplanting


Well-Known Member
The whole point of the suggestion was to move the plant into better medium.
i think he was replying to the advice to dig out the stem made earlier. That dipping in water sounds like it would much easier on the roots, Hopefully it goes well for the plant.

i have some plants that I potted in 100% coco coir, but now Im wishing I had a 30% mix of perlite in there, could I mix some perlite when I transplant from the 1 gallon to the 2 gallon? I'm thikning its probably not a good idea, just something Ill have to try out next grow


New Member
i think he was replying to the advice to dig out the stem made earlier. That dipping in water sounds like it would much easier on the roots, Hopefully it goes well for the plant.

i have some plants that I potted in 100% coco coir, but now Im wishing I had a 30% mix of perlite in there, could I mix some perlite when I transplant from the 1 gallon to the 2 gallon? I'm thikning its probably not a good idea, just something Ill have to try out next grow
No reason to not add perlite to the mix, it cannot hurt but it may help.


Well-Known Member
The whole point of the suggestion was to move the plant into better medium.
Yes I was replying to the other quote and but the time i posted my reply you had beat me to it.

I agree with better medium, why not rockwool and pot clay, lets water these bastard:lol:


my soil is all purpose soil with humus, peat moss, perlite, and lime... im going to have to transplant it into a bigger pot soon, should i just use better soil in the new pot? (the soil im using now isnt the most quality of soil out there..).. the plant seems to be doing just fine, new growth still happening... its just the goddamn lighter green scratches on some leaves... im going to ph water it now.. my schedule goes like; nutes, nutes, water, nutes, nutes, water... and only nutes im using are Ionic's grow 3-set solution