First time newb plant issue


Hey guys this is my first grow could anyone look at this picture and diagnose my plants for me. My temperature is 70°f and my humidity is at 65%. My soil is at 6.8ph.
In all my water I use 5ml per gallon of Calmag and every other watering I use 5ml of Flora grow, micro, and bloom.



Well-Known Member
Stop adding Cal Mag and talk about how your pH'ing your water and what your pHing it to? Talk about your soil too?


I use regular tap water which I then test the ph of each gallon jug I have. Then I add about 5ml of pH down which for me brings it to 6.5. my soil is a regular top soil mix with a little bit of spagnum peatmoss to help hold the water. I also use 5 gallin fabric pots if that makes a difference.


Well-Known Member
So once you adjust your pH to 6.5 do you then add the nutrient solution, and then pour it on the plants in that order?

Sounds like a lot of pH Down? I used just 20 drops of GH into 2 gallons of water to bring pH of 8.9 down to 6.5 for example,

.. what is your starting pH and PPM from the tap?


My starting pH is above 8. Color changes to dark green with my ph test kit.
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Well-Known Member
Okay so your going to want to get at least a yellow cheapie pH pen (I recommend Apera instruments, but they're pricey starting out) a PPM meter will help as well

Take your water from the tap let it sit 24 hours

Add your nutrients to the water and then check the pH

Then adjust the water / solution to 6.5 pH

Then add properly adjusted water / solution to plants

* I'm trying to figure out what's locking up your nutrients, also your soil pH is a little high..
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