First time on acid

For real. You can get tolerance for acid pretty quick but nobody does full strips. I’ve been doing acid for decades some great some weak, none bad. Weak stuff you get body high and visuals, great stuff you are gone gone. Everybody is different and every trip is different. I turned into a gas once and drifted through through the room. Reality my fat ass was just bumping into people at the club for hours, but I was a gas.
Huh........ True....... I wasn't that far gone lmao. Well I'm man enough to not just vanish when I can't argue any more lol. I still wouldn't say it was shit but. I was pretty fucked up lol. But I'll concede it sounds like there's a lot better. Tbh I don't know if I'd want to be that fucked, I just like the visuals. If I could visually trip absolute balls and be mentally sober I'd be loving it lol.
Another thing to mention is a guy I knew. Acid was his drug of choice, so he did a lot because he had built up such a high tolerance. He quit and was in rehab with me and was totally normal for a long time. Then one day he just lost his mind and has been tripping balls again ever since. He just would stand around and move his mouth like he was chewing gum. I did it a little and am not that messed up, but seeing Sam change like that overnight made me think. I hope you have a good trip though man. Think good thoughts.
Another thing to mention is a guy I knew. Acid was his drug of choice, so he did a lot because he had built up such a high tolerance. He quit and was in rehab with me and was totally normal for a long time. Then one day he just lost his mind and has been tripping balls again ever since. He just would stand around and move his mouth like he was chewing gum. I did it a little and am not that messed up, but seeing Sam change like that overnight made me think. I hope you have a good trip though man. Think good thoughts.
Jesus.......... That's fucked.
Lol, you’ll get good shit someday don’t worry. It degrades so quickly and easily to be honest. Heavy users popping full strips, lol. That means it’s weak as shit. Seriously, a good pusher with good acid will warn people to do half of one. Fcking kids
Well the term heavy user would to me indicate someone that uses LSD frequently? If so then they could be taking large doses of good LSD.

My experience and several other people I have talked to on the matter agrees with this chart describing tolerance.
lsd tolerance.jpg
For example, Friday nite drop a hit and fry my balls off. Sunday nite I drop a hit and nothing. Same sheet, stored in the freezer in a vacuum seal bag so the acid is still good but my tolerance at 2 days says I would need to take a dosage of 225%, so instead of one hit I would have to take 2.25 hits to get the same fry. At one week the tolerance is still at 120 percent.

So lets say we have a heavy user and he got some quality paper. Starts out with 2 hits on Friday. Wants to fry on Sunday again and he takes 4.5 hits (225% @ 2 days). Then it's say Friday and it's fry time lol, dude is now at 5 days so 135% tolerance so he drops 6 hits. Now it's Sunday and Fry time (again lol), another 225% bumperino so thats 13.5 hits all to get the same fry he got on 2 hits... another week of that pattern and on Sunday he is at 40 hits. Thusly over time an incredible tolerance can be built up. Explains how Jimi Hendrix was allegedly able to drench his headband in LSD and perform on stage. I have lived it and the chart is pretty spot on for me. My buddies and I would call big doses landing strips. It is way better of course to wait at least a month between frys but when I was younger you couldn't convince me of that lol.
Well the term heavy user would to me indicate someone that uses LSD frequently? If so then they could be taking large doses of good LSD.

My experience and several other people I have talked to on the matter agrees with this chart describing tolerance.
View attachment 4359874
For example, Friday nite drop a hit and fry my balls off. Sunday nite I drop a hit and nothing. Same sheet, stored in the freezer in a vacuum seal bag so the acid is still good but my tolerance at 2 days says I would need to take a dosage of 225%, so instead of one hit I would have to take 2.25 hits to get the same fry. At one week the tolerance is still at 120 percent.

So lets say we have a heavy user and he got some quality paper. Starts out with 2 hits on Friday. Wants to fry on Sunday again and he takes 4.5 hits (225% @ 2 days). Then it's say Friday and it's fry time lol, dude is now at 5 days so 135% tolerance so he drops 6 hits. Now it's Sunday and Fry time (again lol), another 225% bumperino so thats 13.5 hits all to get the same fry he got on 2 hits... another week of that pattern and on Sunday he is at 40 hits. Thusly over time an incredible tolerance can be built up. Explains how Jimi Hendrix was allegedly able to drench his headband in LSD and perform on stage. I have lived it and the chart is pretty spot on for me. My buddies and I would call big doses landing strips. It is way better of course to wait at least a month between frys but when I was younger you couldn't convince me of that lol.
@mikek420 has done upwards of 4 mg of lsd in one sitting he wrote some very interesting threads in this subforum about those trips.

Edit: I think he even took tolerance breaks before tripping
Well the term heavy user would to me indicate someone that uses LSD frequently? If so then they could be taking large doses of good LSD.

My experience and several other people I have talked to on the matter agrees with this chart describing tolerance.
View attachment 4359874
For example, Friday nite drop a hit and fry my balls off. Sunday nite I drop a hit and nothing. Same sheet, stored in the freezer in a vacuum seal bag so the acid is still good but my tolerance at 2 days says I would need to take a dosage of 225%, so instead of one hit I would have to take 2.25 hits to get the same fry. At one week the tolerance is still at 120 percent.

So lets say we have a heavy user and he got some quality paper. Starts out with 2 hits on Friday. Wants to fry on Sunday again and he takes 4.5 hits (225% @ 2 days). Then it's say Friday and it's fry time lol, dude is now at 5 days so 135% tolerance so he drops 6 hits. Now it's Sunday and Fry time (again lol), another 225% bumperino so thats 13.5 hits all to get the same fry he got on 2 hits... another week of that pattern and on Sunday he is at 40 hits. Thusly over time an incredible tolerance can be built up. Explains how Jimi Hendrix was allegedly able to drench his headband in LSD and perform on stage. I have lived it and the chart is pretty spot on for me. My buddies and I would call big doses landing strips. It is way better of course to wait at least a month between frys but when I was younger you couldn't convince me of that lol.
Nice explanation Renfro. That pretty much says it all. The guy I'm talking about was taking daily hits of it, so I'm sure he had a massive tolerance and was taking a lot everyday but don't know exactly how much.
Used to have a guy in japan who made acid and would trade me a 100 drop bottle for an oz of my weed. Tolerance builds quickly but at some point you ask yourself what the fuck you’re doing because you need to take a break. I used to be guilty of partying for 3, 4 days regularly but you can’t do that for too long before your body says enough.
We had a bible of very potent dead head unperforated blotter that you took little sub 1/4" hits of and my girl had bought us a copy of Alice Through the Looking Glass on bluray and we had just bought a new 4K 80 inch TV. So we used the PS4 to play it so we could use the full 4K quality when we started peaking she was going into the clock and it was a total mind fuck from there on. Good thing we set it all up before we started frying hard. I think we had a 0% tolerance and we dropped nice half inch squares and some airborne tablets (1000mg Vitamin C), buckle the fuck up lol. Another show we like to watch when frying is Rick and Morty, that shit would have us laughing so hard. Definitely like to listen to Pink Floyd when we fry too, always have to at least listen to dark side. Skittles or Mini Chewy Sweet Tarts are the best when frying.
you can’t do that for too long before your body says enough
Never was there a more true statement. and I will add when you are younger you can handle a lot more. I remember when I was in my 20's I would stay up 2 days straight smoking weed and playing video games with my friends then go back to work on Monday after like 5 hours of sleep. Now I can't even stay up for more than 12 hours and I need a nap lol.

Back in the late 80's my buddies and I went on a 3 day trip where we kept dropping hits every 2 or 3 hours, we went driving around and just did all sorts of cool stuff. Then I slept for a good day solid after that one. One friend went to work a shift as a cook at Shoneys without any sleep after that one lmao. If I tried that shit now it would probably kill me.
We had a bible of very potent dead head unperforated blotter that you took little sub 1/4" hits of and my girl had bought us a copy of Alice Through the Looking Glass on bluray and we had just bought a new 4K 80 inch TV. So we used the PS4 to play it so we could use the full 4K quality when we started peaking she was going into the clock and it was a total mind fuck from there on. Good thing we set it all up before we started frying hard. I think we had a 0% tolerance and we dropped nice half inch squares and some airborne tablets (1000mg Vitamin C), buckle the fuck up lol. Another show we like to watch when frying is Rick and Morty, that shit would have us laughing so hard. Definitely like to listen to Pink Floyd when we fry too, always have to at least listen to dark side. Skittles or Mini Chewy Sweet Tarts are the best when frying.
I'm sure you've fried watching Pink Floyd's "The Wall" then if your a Floyd fan. I like "Heavy Metal" too.
I don't think I will be again either reading that =/ imma stick to my shrooms lol
Ya I think shrooms are a lot safer as long as you don't pick the wrong ones that are poisonous. And I don't think you build up such a tolerance as lsd, because I always got just as messed up with shrooms as I did the first time, if not more. Haha. Thundercat has a Grow Journal for shrooms you should check out that I thought was really cool.
I love my shrooms too, sad they don't last longer though. I think the trip is clearer and deeper with lucy. Acid is like cruising along in a minty Jaguar E Type on a nice smooth highway with the top down and shrooms is more like sitting passenger in a Dodge Demon while it's being driven to the limit on a road course by a race car driver.
One nite I was at the bar getting my drink on and I met this guy that was really cool. There was a band that was playing 80's music and we starting reminiscing about the old days lol. We ended up talking about concerts and the subject of shrooms and acid came up. I mentioned that I had some shrooms. About 30 minutes later we were at my place and I gave him some shrooms and we both dropped them. The guy had told me too that he was a prison guard lol but he was really a awesome dude. So we decide to go back to the bar (lol dumb). We get there and in about 10 minutes the train goes off the tracks. We ended up going out in the parking lot to have a smoke and wait for a cab to come get us and take us back to his place. We laughed so hard that night and everyone else was on a totally different wavelength of course. We felt like everyone knew we were shrooming and that they were talking about us. Ended up nobody had a clue and we had kept it together on the outside at least. Crazy times. But yeah he's a cool dude and a good friend to this day.
One nite I was at the bar getting my drink on and I met this guy that was really cool. There was a band that was playing 80's music and we starting reminiscing about the old days lol. We ended up talking about concerts and the subject of shrooms and acid came up. I mentioned that I had some shrooms. About 30 minutes later we were at my place and I gave him some shrooms and we both dropped them. The guy had told me too that he was a prison guard lol but he was really a awesome dude. So we decide to go back to the bar (lol dumb). We get there and in about 10 minutes the train goes off the tracks. We ended up going out in the parking lot to have a smoke and wait for a cab to come get us and take us back to his place. We laughed so hard that night and everyone else was on a totally different wavelength of course. We felt like everyone knew we were shrooming and that they were talking about us. Ended up nobody had a clue and we had kept it together on the outside at least. Crazy times. But yeah he's a cool dude and a good friend to this day.
Hahaha. I've been there man. Funny shit.
Yeah always listened to Pink Floyd back in the 80's and early 90's, although my favorites are Animals and Wish you were here... I remember seeing Heavy Metal on a screen back in the day at a midnight movie high as shit. And also Pink Flamingos, damn that movie lol... Seems like we had a lot more sativas around back in the day for what that's worth, or maybe it's just my bad luck...
We had a bible of very potent dead head unperforated blotter that you took little sub 1/4" hits of and my girl had bought us a copy of Alice Through the Looking Glass on bluray and we had just bought a new 4K 80 inch TV. So we used the PS4 to play it so we could use the full 4K quality when we started peaking she was going into the clock and it was a total mind fuck from there on. Good thing we set it all up before we started frying hard. I think we had a 0% tolerance and we dropped nice half inch squares and some airborne tablets (1000mg Vitamin C), buckle the fuck up lol. Another show we like to watch when frying is Rick and Morty, that shit would have us laughing so hard. Definitely like to listen to Pink Floyd when we fry too, always have to at least listen to dark side. Skittles or Mini Chewy Sweet Tarts are the best when frying.
I feel like Rick and Morty could turn a trip bad with all the nihilism, especially Mortys 'life is meaningless come watch TV' moment lol I wouldn't wanna hear that fried