i swear i wanna try this. this puts so many people to shame for saying it cant be done. Great Job Dw!! cant wait to see the yield! =)
hey rach those nay sayers have been put to shame many of times not just by me, they cant grasp the idea of a ounce a harvest being enough for personal smoke. as for the yield here i dont have high hopes for the lack of veg time, but ive learned from this grow and my next will be through the roof.
man your putting on a school here for the micro grow the plants are looking greta i will be watching this one closely.
Still looking great. Are you still tieing her down to new spots along the pot or are you just letting her grow now?
Is that 5-6 tops on Nedra? Nice. Kendra looks like a little bud stepping latter from the front. DW they are looking nice.
thanks ER, i hope they turn out okay.I concur. Rock solid, Dubs.
everything i hear, CONSTANTLY! "don't forget most strains triple in size during flower" if i had to take a shot in the dark, 0.5-1 grams per bud site. but what the hell do i know, i'm as green as you are to all of this... pun intended i suppose. good photo fuckupdate by the way.