Well-Known Member
High there dopewear a quick rundown on the hempty method.
This is how i went about it.
1 got a few small plastic cups and burned a small hole in the side about half inch from the bottom.
2 fill cup about 3/4with perlite.
3 Dropped in a peat pellett with a rooting clone in it.
4 Filled up to the top of cup with perlite covering the peat pellett.
TA DA Jobs a good un
Watering / feeding
Water slowly till water starts to come out of the hole in the side of the cup then stop.
The water that stays in the bottom of the cup is your res.
The blue cup on the left hand side of the box. sorry about the crap pic. all the best dave.
This is how i went about it.
1 got a few small plastic cups and burned a small hole in the side about half inch from the bottom.
2 fill cup about 3/4with perlite.
3 Dropped in a peat pellett with a rooting clone in it.
4 Filled up to the top of cup with perlite covering the peat pellett.
TA DA Jobs a good un
Watering / feeding
Water slowly till water starts to come out of the hole in the side of the cup then stop.
The water that stays in the bottom of the cup is your res.
The blue cup on the left hand side of the box. sorry about the crap pic. all the best dave.