First Time PC Case Grow Random Bagseed


Well-Known Member
I'm curious to see how your top goes at that size. My babies are 3 weeks old and I couldn't think about topping them just yet.

I mixed up the lights in my flower tower, but not my veg box. I hear there are advantages for putting a little bit of 5500+ in for flower.

Great work, btw. :)


Well-Known Member
hey guys thanks for your imput yah im going to veg for about 4 weeks then top it, if it needs to veg longer then so be it then kick it into flower and LST the friggen hell out of it! im leaving my babies alone for 2 day and before i do that i gave them some water and played with the light spectrum, i now have 2 x 6500k and 2 x 2700k with the light schedule still 18/6 maybe ill see results when i get back if not maybe ill just go back to all 6500k. anyways ill update you when im back which is tomorrow lol.


Well-Known Member
Day 6 - 29/Mar/09 - Sprouts
Lights: 2 x 23w 6500k CFL / 2x 23w 2700k CFL
Light Cycle: 18/6
Temp: 80.1 F

Pic 1 - 2: Here is sprout 1 doing fine as always, there is some new growth coming up the middle slowly but surely, i dont know if the outside edges are turning yellow or not.

Pic 3-4: Heres sprout 2 quickly catching up to sprout 1 again theres new growth coming up the middle and also not sure but it appears the perimiter of the leafs are discoloring.

Pic 5: Heres the setup with the new bulbs in it, there is now 2 x 23 watt 6500k and 2 x 23 watt 2700k.

So i dont know if im just panicing or not but does anyone else see discoloration in the leafs? also when do you think these plants will out grow the jiffy pots? and your opinions on the light combination, think its worth going with or just rock 4 x 23 watt 6500k?

and i appologize before hand for missing 2 days of journal keeping i went out of town to see Randy and Mr. Lahey from TPB on their "Looking for Work Tour" lol take it easy guys



Well-Known Member
Lights are close, bro. Get a thermometer right under there. I think I stunted my first 2 babies that way. When I finally measured my temp RIGHT under the lights, it was about 95. Also, regarding roots, my Top44 wasn't much bigger when I spilled its root out in a transplant. It was at the bottom of the cup, so I think they do stretch out root-wise pretty fast. If it ware me, I'd get them in cups pretty fast.


Well-Known Member
alright elephant thank you for the advice its appreciated! ill plant in bigger cups tomorrow, my thermomiter sitts onto of the jiffy pot in the soil so my temp reading should be pretty accurate.


Well-Known Member
Sprout 1 does look a bit off colour. Not sure what's caused it but I would guess it's heat related so maybe just lower them a bit and see how it goes.
Case looks great but you are losing a lot of light upwards. Try to knock up a simple reflector for above the bulbs, you'll really notice the difference.


Well-Known Member
hey uber and v12 thank you for the advice, uber i have been misting maybe not as often as a should be so i will work on that, and v12 i will work on the reflector tonight, i dont know why i didnt i havent build one all ready lol. ill update you guys when i get home from work and show you the new reflector. always appreciative DW


Well-Known Member
Mine was looking really stunted so I moved it from the lights. I figured in such a small inclosed area there was no real reason to have the lights so close. So now my plants just on the bottom and my lights all the way at the top. I expect it to stretch a little but that's a good thing cause I'm LST-ing the plant. So try just moving the lights all the way up for a couple of days and see if you notice a difference.


Well-Known Member
Day 8 - 31/Mar/09 - Sprouts
Lights: 4 x 23w 6500k CFL
Light Cycle: 18/6
Temp: 83.1 F

So i went back to 4 x 23 watt 6500k because after a few days i saw nothing beneficial from doing 2 of each.

Theres good and bad news...

Pic 1-2: So if you havent noticed yet, the ends of the leafs on sprout 1 are burnt, it could be from the two drops of plant food my stupid as brother secretly put in the water. what do you guys think im desperate to save it lol.

Pic 2-3: Heres sprout 2 which seems to be doing better leaves seem to be widening but again on the ends they are little burnt. and it kills me inside to see them in pain.

Pic 4-5: I have put sprout 1 and 2 in their final resting places because i had like 2 dozen roots coming out every which direction of the jiffy pots. so they are in 6" pots surrounded by 1/3 potting soil 1/3 peat moss 1/3 perlite. i only filled the surrounding even with the soil in the jiffy pot it can be topped later if its a problem.

Anyways... theres your update. id appreciate any advice or information.
p.s. i almost became a single child today when i found them like that.



Well-Known Member
hey BTK i tried doing 2 6500 and 2 2700 it didnt seen to have much effect maybe it will now that they are in bigger pots... as for the ends of the leaves any ideas of what it is or how it could be cured? thanks you guys


Well-Known Member
Hey man, plants are looking fine.. I'd just let the soil get nice and dry and feed them just plain water, no nutrients. For now just let the roots get some air. What are you using for ventilation again?


Well-Known Member
Hey Dopewear things seem to be progressing nicely. My first two sets of branches on my plants ended up getting cut off because of yellowing leaves. So don't worry to much just keep at it and you'll be glad.


Well-Known Member
thanks neph yah they seem to be doing better now with the bigger pot and and the lights alittle higher ill post another update tonight when i have time.


Well-Known Member
Day 9 - 1/Apr/09 - Sprouts
Lights: 4 x 23w 6500k CFL
Light Cycle: 18/6
Temp: 79.9 F

Well guys im happy once again they seem to be doing better and taking a liking to the bigger pots.

Pic 1-2: Heres 1 it seems to be covering from the burns at the ends of its leafs infact the leafs seem to be widening and there are 2 sets of new leafs already coming up the middle.

Pic 3-4: Heres 2 it seems to be doing very well, very solid, has taken a liking to the new pot. Leaves are widening and a new set are quickly coming up the middle. burns on the ends of the leafs dont seem to have stopped this little one. As for that black thing behind the plant thats the end of my thermo so all the temps up till now have been from top of plant:D (some were wondering)

Pic 5-6: Heres the setup with everything a go. yes i know intake fan is a bit low but a 1/3 of it is above the pots blowing a pretty descent stream of air. and the lights are at a height that seems to be working i will be costructing a light relector for over the lights soon( as advised) i had already built one but it seemed to be a bit of a fire hazard.

so overall, all is well and moving steadily. if any one has an idea for a light reflecter that is not made out of paper or cardboard please throw them at me.




Active Member
looks good DW, i know with that case you can always raise the fan to the second level. as for a light reflector im fresh outta ideas man, good luck meng :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
thanks gidget and trom, gidg i know i can move that fan but that would be take of the reflective material and cutting a new hole in the cardboard and all that shit maybe ill leave it this grow and fix it once these 2 are done infact i will once these two are done unless you think itll cause this grow not to finish... anyone?