First Time Scrog..


Active Member's my setup...............I've got a tent from HTG supply 56"x56"x76" with a 600W hps/mh conersion with an aircooled hood...............

Ive got 10 ladies and I'm trying a scrog for the firfst time..........

here's a pic of what I've got going....
scrog1.jpg the screen sits at 8" above the level of the soil and I've been vegging for 18 days now,...pic was taken at day 16....

anyone know how long I should veg before i start 12/12???.............some say start now and I've read that I should fill 75% of the screen, so I'm kinda confused now..

any help HIGHLY appreciated........


Well-Known Member
I dont know if this will help but the first one i did, i veg for a month and then went to 12/12. as soon as it showed sex i tied it down and the branches just grew to the light. I only did one cuz it was my first one also, I decided to make it scrog after it showed sex. the new one im working on i started bending them in veg as soon as i was about 6 inch tall. the branches really grew that way. hope it help both plants look great


Well-Known Member
You have too many plants there, if you are open to suggestions. Once those tops hit the screen and you start training them horizontally, the nodes are going to explode with branch growth, every last one of them. You might want 3-4 plants for that space. Also, just a recommendation, I'd raise the screen to where I had about 12" between soil and screen, so you have room to get in there and remove leaf, water from underneath, maintenance, etc. 8" may be fine for you though, you'll figure that part out as you grow.

Do not flip to 12/12 until the tops of the plants are into the screen and you have about 75% of the holes filled. If you are going to use all 10 plants, about 50% of the holes are filled, flip to flower. The initial two week stretch will fill the remaining spots and then some. All colas will stretch up from the screen and reach for the light. Quit training when you see this begin to happen. Allow them to stretch up. They will later fill with buds.


Active Member
You have too many plants there, if you are open to suggestions. Once those tops hit the screen and you start training them horizontally, the nodes are going to explode with branch growth, every last one of them. You might want 3-4 plants for that space. Also, just a recommendation, I'd raise the screen to where I had about 12" between soil and screen, so you have room to get in there and remove leaf, water from underneath, maintenance, etc. 8" may be fine for you though, you'll figure that part out as you grow.

Do not flip to 12/12 until the tops of the plants are into the screen and you have about 75% of the holes filled. If you are going to use all 10 plants, about 50% of the holes are filled, flip to flower. The initial two week stretch will fill the remaining spots and then some. All colas will stretch up from the screen and reach for the light. Quit training when you see this begin to happen. Allow them to stretch up. They will later fill with buds.

Hey bro, at first I wanted to put the net at 12" but the plants are medium sized so that's why I have it at 8"................

I have 10 plants because I didn't know about scrogging before............and now that I do I don't want to let any of them go to waiste, so yeah, I think I'll go for the scrog with all of them........thanks for telling me bout 50% though cause i was about to let it fill 75%..........will post som emore pics as soon as I get some..........

peace out.........


Active Member
Plants are in 3 gallon planting bags and I'm using iguana juice grow&bloom, big bud and bud candy and they are in bio-bizz ALL MIX soil.....


Active Member
indoor grow day 23.jpgThis is what they looked like today...............this is at day 23 from seed.............they are almost reaching 8" of height......the one in the middle being the tallest one..........and the one on the right is a blackberry i topped to see how it's going to turn out,...........


Active Member
yeah I'm with serapis that's a lot of plants for the small screen. Start the flower now.

or should i forget the screen and use it in m next grow???...................i just seems so much fun growing withthe screen.................but, wha will happen if i start to flower now??.......can i still get the scrog going..............


Active Member
trust me 100% ur gonna have problems with that many plants in such a small screen 4 to 5 max will be enough otherwise ur gonna have a mega overgrown jungle


Active Member
trust me 100% ur gonna have problems with that many plants in such a small screen 4 to 5 max will be enough otherwise ur gonna have a mega overgrown jungle
I think you guys are right.............caus i've been taking a close look at how the plants grow and I think i might have e problem with that many plants for that smal size's really gonna be a mega overgrown jungle...


Active Member
OK, so i bought a tent they said i can fit 16 plants in, now I ended up with only 10 so I wanted to try a scrog, which at the end did not work out since i have to many plants......
now my question is what would be the best way to go to get the a bigger yield........... fill all the space i have with 15 plants or just get a scrog goin in the same space with 4 to 5 plants,,,,,....................


Well-Known Member
More plants might be better by pure yield because of the individual root systems but yes you're going to have plants seriously impeding on eachother and it will probably not be nice to look at or take care of or trim or water etc. etc.

For me a big factor in growing is how things look. It directly affects how I feel about the whole harvest. If you're going to look at them (probably alot if you're like me) for the next eight weeks or so then my advice would be to have fewer plants that you can really love and be attuned to instead of a mess of plants that don't ever really develop fully because they're being crowded.


Active Member
More plants might be better by pure yield because of the individual root systems but yes you're going to have plants seriously impeding on eachother and it will probably not be nice to look at or take care of or trim or water etc. etc.

For me a big factor in growing is how things look. It directly affects how I feel about the whole harvest. If you're going to look at them (probably alot if you're like me) for the next eight weeks or so then my advice would be to have fewer plants that you can really love and be attuned to instead of a mess of plants that don't ever really develop fully because they're being crowded.

I LOOK AT THEM A LOT..............every day, every chance i get..................

so i took out the screen and just let the plants grow, I have to stay with 10, they are growing so they are at day 26 growing from seed and i think it's about time to switch the cycle now for 12/12.......................ok, so should i start giving them the bloom fertilizers as soon as I change the light cycle or shoul i wait till the really start the blooming to start the nutes??.............


Well-Known Member
I think you made a good choice with traditional style. next time go with less plants. with traditional you get something like an ounce every square foot. with the screen you get something like two every square. "if you keep good growing conditions". I did one at the last minute just to try and it seems like i have way more fruit at just 3 weeks. also if its an auto then keep it at 18 hrs. if not i personally would wait a week or so. they do look good keep breathing on them. i try to spend a good 2 to 3 hrs a day with mine. sometimes its really hard but i think it pays off.

the number of plants a tent can hold really depends on the containers you use and the type of plant. I have 36x36 and do only about 4 plants. plenty of room to grow out.


Well-Known Member
remember to make your screen high enough next time also. Once the plants are growing in the screen you cannot move the screen or plants. You have to have enough clearance underneath to maintain the plants.


Active Member
remember to make your screen high enough next time also. Once the plants are growing in the screen you cannot move the screen or plants. You have to have enough clearance underneath to maintain the plants.

yup........allready thought about that, but tnx though.......


Active Member
indoor_grow_day_27.jpgthis pic was taken at day 27 (yesterday).......they rached about 12" in height more or less so i started the blooming cylce............
changed the lightbulb for the 600w hps and put the timer to 12/12............

So, let's see how things will go from here on forwrd..............


Active Member
25 jan PhotoShoot15.jpgtop view of a blackberry plant, got a lil bit of lts.

25 jan PhotoShoot1.jpganother view from almost top..........
25 jan PhotoShoot6.jpga few nice branches goin up.
25 jan PhotoShoot5.jpgside view of a chrystal plant

25 jan PhotoShoot7.jpg