First time tent grower PLANT ISSUES


Active Member
Hello everyone! so I am a first time tent grower and need help with a big issue. Is my tent set up correct? I have been having heat issues and also my fan leaves have showed signs of curling up. My tent is at 73.6 degrees at 20% humidity. All the ducting is 6 inches. The inline fan next to the light is 6 inches. My carbon filter is a 4 inch whole so I have a converter at the end. Can someone please let me know what I am doing wrong? My light is a 1000 watt hps with a ballast and has one cooling hole to fit ventilation on. I also have ducting with a fan attach at my open door drawing air into the tent. Below are all my pic I can show you. Again please let me know what I need to get or improve thanks!



Well-Known Member
If that's your high temp at lights on then you do not have a heat problem. Throw some better pics of the plants without the HPS on.


Well-Known Member
20% humidity is pretty damn low, Get it toward 50% or above.

You can grow at 20% but you have to know what you are doing.

If you are actually @ 20 you will have some problems down the road.


Well-Known Member
From looking at the pics, I can not figure out what you have set up for ventilation. For starters, you can use passive intake. It looks like you have duct and fan contraption blowing air in, not needed. Exhaust, since I see a carbon filter outside of the room with duct coming from above into it, I am guessing you are blowing from the top of the tent down through the filter, whihc is wrong to do.

For exhaust, I don't see any appropriate fan. You need one. I can't tell if you have a cool tube running. But you want to go filter (air sucking in to out) to the lights (if using a cool tube) to the fan and then out of the top of the tent.

I would bet that your temp reading is taken too close to the ground. And 20% humdity is way low, you sure that is correct?