First time trying cucamelons


Well-Known Member
I started a few plants indoors from seed this earlier this spring. They were attacked by cucumber beetles and almost didn't survive after I transplanted them outside. With the warm weather we've had lately here in Eastern Ontario, they've decided to take off like crazy and are producing dozens of them all over. The first batch will be ready soon. Aren't they cute?
Cool,wonder what they taste like.Everything here in Western Canada is burning up.Ive had to shade everything.
Cool,wonder what they taste like.Everything here in Western Canada is burning up.Ive had to shade everything.

I wonder what they taste like too. Apparently according to YouTube videos I watched, they mostly just taste like cucumbers with a hint of lime. When I first saw the photo on the seed pack at the store this winter, I thought perhaps they might taste like what they look like -> miniature watermelons. Nope I guess. I've never heard of anyone up here in the Ottawa Valley growing them before but since we've grown lots of crazy tropical stuff successfully these past few years like bitter melon, lemon grass, taro, sweet potatoes, etc., I thought "why not?".

Hopefully you have air conditioning out west there. And also hope you're not trying to grow lettuce, but weed plants should survive it okay with lots of water.