First time, what now?


JUst wanted to show off how well my baby with the boken stem healed up. ITs the big fluffy one in the pot. The other has a nice length on the buds, just wish I could find something to fatten them up. I cannot find any molasses! I know its online but I'm too broke to to order online. What exactly does the molasses do anyway?

I just find it amazing how well the broken one filled out! I fit yeilds well I may break all main



JUst wanted to show off how well my baby with the boken stem healed up. ITs the big fluffy one in the pot. The other has a nice length on the buds, just wish I could find something to fatten them up. I cannot find any molasses! I know its online but I'm too broke to to order online. What exactly does the molasses do anyway?

I just find it amazing how well the broken one filled out! I fit yeilds well I may break all main

BUMP BUMP yall??? PLeeease?


JUst wanted to show off how well my baby with the boken stem healed up. ITs the big fluffy one in the pot. The other has a nice length on the buds, just wish I could find something to fatten them up. I cannot find any molasses! I know its online but I'm too broke to to order online. What exactly does the molasses do anyway?

I just find it amazing how well the broken one filled out! I fit yeilds well I may break all main
BUMPBUMPBUMP...Please give me some input guys... tell me I suck, tell its going good, jusst tell me something! Ain't gonna hurt my feelings none.


Well-Known Member
ive heard breakin the plant will just strengthen it and make it better, its almost like topping. dont worry if its not flowering. my rule of thumb on pot sizes is 1 gal per ft of growth, so your pot is big enough

Brick Top

New Member
my rule of thumb on pot sizes is 1 gal per ft of growth, so your pot is big enough

The below soil portion of plants very closely equals in size, though not shape, the above soil portion of plants.
If you look at a plant and realize that there is not way in Hades that if it were turned over and the above soil portion could fit into the pot without cramping then your pot size is to small.
I never grow in anything smaller than 5-gallon pots and normally I use 7-gallon pots.

Once a plant’s roots begin to circle a pot the plant is then to some degree stressed and the worse the circling become the more the stress increases.

Eventually you will end up with a root-bound condition that can and will cause several different problems. Below are the most common problems.

Stunted Growth.
Smaller and slower bud production.
Needs watering too often.
Easy to burn with low % nutrient solution mixtures.


oKAY, So i went to check on the babies this evening and found this nasty mess! Its only been a few days since I was there. So I called up my partner, like, I gotta a problem here and we need to go check the others. So we did and they are ruined!! Is this spidermites, mold or what??? These are the 2 I've been postin on, I'm going to post a few of the others below cause I think some of them were overdue, even though they shouldnt be.



So here are the other from a different place. These are just more brown with white stuff on them. I did see a bug moving that was covered in white stuff. The pics above look more moldy... I'm so confused and upset.

I went ahead and got a lot of it today, not the first ones but the others. They are so far gone. Anyone have any ideas what I should do to the first two to save some of this?


I hate it when my pics dont show up!

Also on the one I harvested There are small parts with this stuff, I'm cutting it off. What are the chances of it spreading?

