first time


Active Member
im just starting out and i have 4 plants with 4 different results so far. One plant is very healthy at two weeks old with a dark red stem and is very hairy. My second plant is a week old and is healthy but has already fallen over. Third plant sprouted quickly and it looks like its beginning to die with the ends of the leaves turning brown. And the fourth plant just sprouted and is showing signs of browning on the tips of the leaves. im using miracle grow potting soil. Also i have had atleast 5 seeds not sprout. Does anyone have any suggestions?


Well-Known Member
im just starting out and i have 4 plants with 4 different results so far. One plant is very healthy at two weeks old with a dark red stem and is very hairy. My second plant is a week old and is healthy but has already fallen over. Third plant sprouted quickly and it looks like its beginning to die with the ends of the leaves turning brown. And the fourth plant just sprouted and is showing signs of browning on the tips of the leaves. im using miracle grow potting soil. Also i have had atleast 5 seeds not sprout. Does anyone have any suggestions?
Ah, it could be a range of reasons why your plants are dying.. Need pics for detailed help.


Active Member
what is the best way to germinate the seeds? im just putting them in the miracle grow soil and watering it... and only 4 of 12 have sprouted


Active Member
what is the best way to germinate the seeds? im just putting them in the miracle grow soil and watering it... and only 4 of 12 have sprouted
Here is a guide to Germinating Seeds
And here is a guide to getting them From Seed To Sprout

Your temsp could be higher in the low 80's. Stay away from miracle grow soil my friend, if you haven't been warned before you are now. Yeah light specs would be nice.


Active Member
thanks i appreciate it, im down to two plants now, they are healthy but the others died rather quickly


Active Member
lookin good, you can see what the MG did to that one though. That was my first mistake and it cost me 6 seedlings. If you are going to use MG use the seed starting one. It won't burn them.

heres another pic, the leaves are rolling up, should i be worried about this?



Well-Known Member
Mericle grows got the slow release nutrients and could be a problem later in the grow too..keep ur temp at 75-78f it would be optimal.

Cheers :)


Active Member
lookin good, you can see what the MG did to that one though. That was my first mistake and it cost me 6 seedlings. If you are going to use MG use the seed starting one. It won't burn them.

i just looked at the soil bag and its a starter soil. and now my second plant is starting to get brown tips on the lower leaves and starting to die. how can i stop this? i am moving the plants to different location tomorrow and will have different lighting specs will this affect the plants?


Active Member
need help!!!!! i went out of town for 3 days and left my plants in the care of a friend. apparently he wasnt responsible and forgot about the plants, they went 3 days with no light and water and they are wilting and dieing. how can i stop this?


Active Member
Just keep them on light and give them water But i also used a miracle grow type of soil when i started i did not have those results but the plants just grow VERY slowly like your plants look bigger than mine and mine have been going for a few weeks....... I just went out and got some more CFLs they seem to work well and the plants seem to love it but i think the soil stunted their growth so i currently am stuck with starting over.....