First timer and using bubbleponic


Active Member
You are right. Tht PH down will work fine. Apply it at half the rate you think you should. Since this a a largely unknown product in your situation I'd go about 7ml or less for the tank and then see what that does. It should be equivalent but you have to check to make sure.


I just used 7ml into 1/2 gal and mixed and poured into the unit.

How long before getting a good reading?

With the 1 gal AG unit I waited 1/2 to an hour. How long should I wait with the 6 gal tub?

Is it neccesary to mix the 1/2 gal with my hands in the tub or the pump and bubble are enough?

Sorry for all the questions, This has been one hell of a ph roller coaster ride.


New Member
I wait about an hour and then sheck. The first check is to make sure It's not out of range. If it's 5.6 to 6.5 leave it alone and check it in the morning. The bubbles are enough to stir things up.


Active Member
I wait about an hour and then sheck. The first check is to make sure It's not out of range. If it's 5.6 to 6.5 leave it alone and check it in the morning. The bubbles are enough to stir things up.

thank you so much, my spirits have lifted.

Yesterday it was like a yo-yo and today it quickly jumped.

thx again!


New Member
Anytime, Spawnie! Join the Bubbleheads! There is getting to be a large group of us tht are dedicated to helping new growers so they can tech others. No Drama and we just want to help.

If you are so inclined, grab the badge and use it as you sig.



Active Member
I just checked my ph after the 7ml of ph down and it's at 7.9.
Can the ph be locked out?
I hope you get that problem fixed up, these dudes are smart as hell. It would be appreciated for questions about your grow, to open up a thread, and post a link for us to follow to it. I'm trying to keep this one from getting too cluttered. Thanks much and good luck.


Active Member
I hope you get that problem fixed up, these dudes are smart as hell. It would be appreciated for questions about your grow, to open up a thread, and post a link for us to follow to it. I'm trying to keep this one from getting too cluttered. Thanks much and good luck.
that is so true!


Active Member
it would be nice if there was a setting the poster could turn on and off that allows replies to be posted on a thread only when the creator wants them too


Elite Rolling Society
it would be nice if there was a setting the poster could turn on and off that allows replies to be posted on a thread only when the creator wants them too

For $5 a month, you can join ELITE and close the thread and re-open it at will.
I am closing mine, I keep getting asked dumb ass questions already answered in he thread and yesterday, some dude copied the anser back to me and asked me agian anyway. I even had a dude ask me about HIS SOIL GROW in my DIY Bubbleponics thread.

Illiteracy at its highest.


Elite Rolling Society
Hows your grow doing this weekend?
I was on some precarious ground, or shakey ground, but It is all just fine now. My roots and water did not smell right, but they do now. I did a peroxide bath.
And , my two tanks are the same size now, amazes me how one always catches up to the other one.


Active Member
Things are looking great. Justing letting the inside fill in after LST. I'll put up some more pics Monday when I change the water